you're a stupid-head. no, YOU'RE a stupid-head.
and so's your face. "that doesn't even make sense!" and neither does your face.
yoinked from bluthng - cuz it's HI-larious and i've not heard it in awhile:
There are approximately two billion children (persons under 18) in the
world. However, since Santa does not visit children of Muslim, Hindu, Jewish
or Buddhist (except maybe in Japan) religions, this reduces the workload for
Christmas night to 15% of the total, or 378 million (according to the
population reference bureau). At an average (census) rate of 3.5 children
per household, that comes to 108 million homes, presuming there is at least
one good child in each. Santa has about 31 hours of Christmas to work with,
thanks to the different time zones and the rotation of the earth, assuming
east to west (which seems logical). This works out to 967.7 visits per
second. This is to say that for each Christian household with a good child,
Santa has around 1/1000 th of a second to park the sleigh, hop out, jump
down the chimney, fill the stocking, distribute the remaining presents under
the tree, eat whatever snacks have been left for him, get back up the
chimney, jump into the sleigh and get onto the next house.
Assuming that each of these 108 million stops is evenly distributed around
the earth (which, of course, we know to be false, but will accept for the
purposes of our calculations), we are now talking about 0.78 miles per
household; a total trip of 75.5 million miles, not counting bathroom stops
or breaks. This means Santa's sleigh is moving at 650 miles per second --
3,000 times the speed of sound. For purposes of comparison, the fastest man
made vehicle, the Ulysses space probe, moves at a poky 27.4 miles per
second, and a conventional reindeer can run (at best) 15 miles per hour.
The payload of the sleigh adds another interesting element. Assuming that
each child gets nothing more than a medium sized LEGO set (two pounds), the
sleigh is carrying over 500 thousands tons, not counting Santa himself. On
land, a conventional reindeer can pull no more than 300 pounds. Even
granting that the "flying" reindeer can pull 10 times he normal amount, the
job can't be done with eight or even nine of them---Santa would need 360,000
of them. This increases the payload, not counting the weight of the sleigh,
another 54,000 tons, or roughly seven times the weight of the Queen
Elizabeth (the ship, not the monarch).
600,000 tons traveling at 650 miles per second creates enormous air
resistance - this would heat up the reindeer in the same fashion as a
spacecraft reentering the earth's atmosphere. The lead pair of reindeer
would absorb 14.3 quintillion joules of energy per second each. In short,
they would burst into flames almost instantaneously, exposing the reindeer
behind them and creating deafening sonic booms in their wake. The entire
reindeer team would be vaporized within 4.26 thousandths of a second, or
right about the time Santa reached the fifth house on his trip.
Not that it matters, however, since Santa, as a result of accelerating from
a dead stop to 650 m.p.s. in .001 seconds, would be subjected to
acceleration forces of 17,000 g's. A 250 pound Santa (which seems
ludicrously slim) would be pinned to the back of the sleigh by 4,315,015
pounds of force, instantly crushing his bones and organs and reducing him to
a quivering blob of pink goo. Therefore, if Santa did exist, he's dead now.
Happy Holidays!
* I really will update as soon as...i give a crap again. so, sucks to YOUR asmar piggy! < ahem > yea...update soon, promise *
Friday, October 1, 2004
Saturday, September 18, 2004
its all very useless.
back in TO and just told my parents about my unfortunate engine-oil-cap catastrophe. my mom took it pretty calmly (mostly cuz its over and theres no further point to excite me), my dad started screaming/ranting (as i had assumed): at the car, the "mechanic" who changed the engine oil the day before (and therefore the cause of all my anxiousness), at me. i knew there was a reason why i didnt tell them/him that night after it happened - yay for instinct and knowing how my parents work/think. now that i (and the car) am back here in one piece, he can kick and scream all he wants. i have a feeling hes gonna go beat up the mechanic tmr, too bad i cant join in on the action. it would be too unladylike, esp for a chinese girl.
i hate chinese people - not because of this incident, but for all the other run-ins ive had in the past. if youre going to scam me, less bitchy would be nice but at least TRY to act sincere:
"The secret of success is sincerity. Once you can fake that, you've got it made."
~ Jean Giraudoux
hmmm maybe i should rephrase: i dont hate who i am, my heritage, traditions, ancestry, i just hate those who give chinese ppl a bad name. those who believe that theyre better than the rest of us just because they can...i'unno, speak english. those who actually believe that they have abilities nobody else has. i especially hate those who are ASHAMED of who they are and where they came from. you cant change what you are, so unless youre planning to pull a michael jackson, learn to respect yourself.
no i dont think im being a hypocrite. so i dont know all of the traditions and even tho i often criticize other chinese ppl, im still very proud to say that im Chinese - as opposed to some who are like "oh yea, im chinese (unfortunately)". ive actually seen some of these ppl, mostly teenagers, some who arent, a little bit younger, a little bit older, but all who just infuriate me. if nothing else, they refuse to even learn the language, they cant hold chopsticks - forget about holding them properly, they cant hold them at all - they shun their parents, and are so utterly disrespectful of their elders that I want to slap them. so even tho i keep saying i hate chinese ppl, and conversely saying that im proud to be one, i hope that doesnt make me hypocritical. maybe just confused.
ive forgotten where i wanted to go with this. anyway, im just pissed off overall, for more reasons than one.
i apologize for making you read such an incoherent rant, more like verbal diarrhea. its too late and im tired so im gonna cop-out now and NOT finish this thought process.
im not reading over this again, so that means im not proofing it. comment if you want, better if you dont cuz then i can believe that NO ONE read it, and i am not actually such a pitiful writer.
*posting times are SO screwed up. it is NOT 154am*
back in TO and just told my parents about my unfortunate engine-oil-cap catastrophe. my mom took it pretty calmly (mostly cuz its over and theres no further point to excite me), my dad started screaming/ranting (as i had assumed): at the car, the "mechanic" who changed the engine oil the day before (and therefore the cause of all my anxiousness), at me. i knew there was a reason why i didnt tell them/him that night after it happened - yay for instinct and knowing how my parents work/think. now that i (and the car) am back here in one piece, he can kick and scream all he wants. i have a feeling hes gonna go beat up the mechanic tmr, too bad i cant join in on the action. it would be too unladylike, esp for a chinese girl.
i hate chinese people - not because of this incident, but for all the other run-ins ive had in the past. if youre going to scam me, less bitchy would be nice but at least TRY to act sincere:
"The secret of success is sincerity. Once you can fake that, you've got it made."
~ Jean Giraudoux
hmmm maybe i should rephrase: i dont hate who i am, my heritage, traditions, ancestry, i just hate those who give chinese ppl a bad name. those who believe that theyre better than the rest of us just because they can...i'unno, speak english. those who actually believe that they have abilities nobody else has. i especially hate those who are ASHAMED of who they are and where they came from. you cant change what you are, so unless youre planning to pull a michael jackson, learn to respect yourself.
no i dont think im being a hypocrite. so i dont know all of the traditions and even tho i often criticize other chinese ppl, im still very proud to say that im Chinese - as opposed to some who are like "oh yea, im chinese (unfortunately)". ive actually seen some of these ppl, mostly teenagers, some who arent, a little bit younger, a little bit older, but all who just infuriate me. if nothing else, they refuse to even learn the language, they cant hold chopsticks - forget about holding them properly, they cant hold them at all - they shun their parents, and are so utterly disrespectful of their elders that I want to slap them. so even tho i keep saying i hate chinese ppl, and conversely saying that im proud to be one, i hope that doesnt make me hypocritical. maybe just confused.
ive forgotten where i wanted to go with this. anyway, im just pissed off overall, for more reasons than one.
i apologize for making you read such an incoherent rant, more like verbal diarrhea. its too late and im tired so im gonna cop-out now and NOT finish this thought process.
im not reading over this again, so that means im not proofing it. comment if you want, better if you dont cuz then i can believe that NO ONE read it, and i am not actually such a pitiful writer.
*posting times are SO screwed up. it is NOT 154am*
Monday, September 13, 2004
pictures from the OSG are up. not mine but thatll come soon. i didnt go as camera-crazy as i wouldve liked.
THIS one is the clearest pic of me. yay. 8th - starting from the left and counting in.
oh and here too...can you find me?
will post my own pix once i upload them from the camera.
anyways, s'all for now.
have a good day at school kids!
THIS one is the clearest pic of me. yay. 8th - starting from the left and counting in.
oh and here too...can you find me?
will post my own pix once i upload them from the camera.
anyways, s'all for now.
have a good day at school kids!
Tuesday, August 10, 2004
polyester should be BANNED from the making of summer clothes! geez..
cotton is the way to go ppl. COTTON!
i cant believe summer ends in less than a month. i feel as though ive done nothing, wait, i HAVE done nothing. fine, nvrmind.
summer games:
dammit, im gonna get my butt handed to me on a silver platter. why are they going right??! WHY?! FRIIICK.
anyone want to go see Garden State (the site is just COOOL) with me?? its only playing in TWO theaters in the GTA! ya so, its written and directed by Zach Braff - the guy from SCRUBS - and its gotten rave reviews. really wanna go see it. give me date and time ppl, but better be soon cuz i dont think itll be in theatres for all that long. oh! and Frou Frou's "Let Go" as the title song: major plus :D
s'all for now.
cotton is the way to go ppl. COTTON!
i cant believe summer ends in less than a month. i feel as though ive done nothing, wait, i HAVE done nothing. fine, nvrmind.
summer games:
dammit, im gonna get my butt handed to me on a silver platter. why are they going right??! WHY?! FRIIICK.
anyone want to go see Garden State (the site is just COOOL) with me?? its only playing in TWO theaters in the GTA! ya so, its written and directed by Zach Braff - the guy from SCRUBS - and its gotten rave reviews. really wanna go see it. give me date and time ppl, but better be soon cuz i dont think itll be in theatres for all that long. oh! and Frou Frou's "Let Go" as the title song: major plus :D
s'all for now.
Saturday, July 31, 2004
ONTARIO SUMMER GAMES!!! I GOT IIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! alright, thats enough exclaimation points (!!!) for now.
so it's at Western University this year! alrighty Kenny, im gonna be bugging you to show me your new house for sept! and since its your Uni, youre gonna hafta come and show us/ME around ;D
oh yea, in terms of the Discovery Channel doowhacky, i lied(well, they lied to me), its not FOR the olympics rather, its gonna run DURING the olympics. some commercial for some show (forensics something or other) and theyre not completely sure when its gonna air - just...sometime around the games. s'it, i duno no moe. :D
whee!! new arrows! ...and a place to use them! ahhhh!!!
oh yea, btw, it starts Aug 19 til 21 at Fanshawe College Soccer Stadium. s'citing. whee.
so it's at Western University this year! alrighty Kenny, im gonna be bugging you to show me your new house for sept! and since its your Uni, youre gonna hafta come and show us/ME around ;D
oh yea, in terms of the Discovery Channel doowhacky, i lied(well, they lied to me), its not FOR the olympics rather, its gonna run DURING the olympics. some commercial for some show (forensics something or other) and theyre not completely sure when its gonna air - just...sometime around the games. s'it, i duno no moe. :D
whee!! new arrows! ...and a place to use them! ahhhh!!!
oh yea, btw, it starts Aug 19 til 21 at Fanshawe College Soccer Stadium. s'citing. whee.
Thursday, July 29, 2004
Saturday, July 24, 2004
im gonna be on the DISCOVERY CHANNEL! WHEEEE!!
oh it's all so terribly exCIting :D
how it went down:
ppl at discovery wanted to do an... intro? on all the sports in the olympics. it's basically a 10 sec spot introducing all the sports. so anyways, i dont know how they got ahold of my coach's # but they did, and asked her if she had anyone that could demonstrate the sport. so she called me and said:
"hello wendy, what are you doing this Wed?"
"umm nothing, why?"
"wanna be on the discovery channel?"
oh it's all so terribly exCIting :D
how it went down:
ppl at discovery wanted to do an... intro? on all the sports in the olympics. it's basically a 10 sec spot introducing all the sports. so anyways, i dont know how they got ahold of my coach's # but they did, and asked her if she had anyone that could demonstrate the sport. so she called me and said:
"hello wendy, what are you doing this Wed?"
"umm nothing, why?"
"wanna be on the discovery channel?"
[details here] ...yada yada...
so yaaaaarrrrr...tis exciting :D
shooting this wed for 1.5 hrs (for 10 sec of air time..pfft..go figure).
i duno when it'll actually air, but will update here once i know.
well it has been a long while since ive last updated...but im too lazy to update any of you so...too bad. however, im feeling generous today so i'll give some in point form :P and of course, the rants (which have been lacking as of late) will be delivered in full detail.
-still jobless and getting rather hopeless. will apply to CNE and hope to get hired for the 2 weeks that it's operational
- ARCHERY! is going really well. and as much as ive found it hard to believe, the 3 yrs hiatus that i took hardly made a difference in my form. after building up my muscles again (oh so slowly and painfully) in order to hold the weight, my form is still superbe and my grouping still kicks ass :D now is a matter of moving my grouping to where i actualy want it to the center. so other than minor inconsistancies which i'll have to work on...everything else is good. whee.
- Canadian championships in two weeks...i just hope im ready for it..will be in the senior division (18 +) so DAMMIT
- need to get in better shape. that is all. rob and kenny(grr..) needs to drag me to gym more often (and vice versa)
-finally finished watching the 2nd season of "24" and have come to the realization that i CANT watch the 3rd season. all the female characters are INFURIATINGLY stupid - except for the evil ones, theyre fine. and they kept bringing in new/random characters into the story: "opps, we've written the story into a corner, hmm what can we do? i know, lets bring in a new character to solve this problem and then he can be killed off afterwards". well ok, so it wasnt EXACTLY like that, but so it seemed. i think mostly, kim just pisses me off; shes useless, and to have her work in CTU 3rd season would just be too painful to watch.
since i always find things that piss me off on a (semi) daily basis, i'll just recount the most recent occurances i.e. from 2 hrs ago:
my relatives from the US arrived today and so we all went out to dinner. i drove myself after coming back from practice. so i was driving around trying to find a parking space (cuz its always so busy) and was pretty pleased when i found one close to the restaurant. i began to pull in when i noticed that these ppl from the car next to it was standing where MY parking space was, they were getting ready to leave and saying bye and stuff to their family/friends. usually this only takes a few minutes, even less if ppl know that youre waiting for the empty space beside them. NO, not THESE jerks:
-"oh bye!"
-" see you later"
-" oh why dont you come get some stuff from my car?"
-"no its on the other side"
- why dont i just take my SWEET time getting into the driver's seat cuz its not like anyone is WAITING for me to drive away
- i think i'll just stand in this empty parking space cuz that car thats starting to pull in couldnt POSSIBLY be pulling into THIS space where i HAPPEN to be standing
-"why dont we meet tmr for dim sum? ok? want to set a time now?"
fucking assholes. i was SOOO close to honking at them when they finally got the point (me glaring at them) and started moving. so i pulled into the spot, got out, glared at them some more, and walked to the restaurant.
upon reaching the doors to the restaurant, still fuming from the incident above, i see this guy standing on the inside of the doors. the doors are frosted so i couldnt see what he looked like, but i thought he seemed kinda old so i was like "well ok, i'll be nice and open the door for him".
not only was the guy NOT old, he was in his late 30s, talking on his cell, and walked thru the doors as if it was my duty to open it for him. forget "thank you", he didnt even throw a glance in my direction before walking off. so even more pissed off than before, i sat down to dinner looking like i was about to kill someone.
this will be the LAST time i EVER open a door for any chinese ppl and i dont even care if they have to use a walking stick(actually these ppl are even worse, almost with a condescending look as they walk thru the door and might as well toss in "thats right girlie, im old and you had better respect me. keep that door open for the rest of my family too"). for sobbing out loud ppl! have you ANY manners at all?? i actually dont mind doing things for (these) people, but they could at least acknowledge the fact that i did something: a nod, a smile, and realize that i could have very well slammed the door in their face, yelled "aha sucka", and walked away that way.
well anyways, so thats that. i think this post is long enough so i'll stop here and hopefully, occasion will strike me to blog again in the near future.
so yaaaaarrrrr...tis exciting :D
shooting this wed for 1.5 hrs (for 10 sec of air time..pfft..go figure).
i duno when it'll actually air, but will update here once i know.
well it has been a long while since ive last updated...but im too lazy to update any of you so...too bad. however, im feeling generous today so i'll give some in point form :P and of course, the rants (which have been lacking as of late) will be delivered in full detail.
-still jobless and getting rather hopeless. will apply to CNE and hope to get hired for the 2 weeks that it's operational
- ARCHERY! is going really well. and as much as ive found it hard to believe, the 3 yrs hiatus that i took hardly made a difference in my form. after building up my muscles again (oh so slowly and painfully) in order to hold the weight, my form is still superbe and my grouping still kicks ass :D now is a matter of moving my grouping to where i actualy want it to the center. so other than minor inconsistancies which i'll have to work on...everything else is good. whee.
- Canadian championships in two weeks...i just hope im ready for it..will be in the senior division (18 +) so DAMMIT
- need to get in better shape. that is all. rob and kenny(grr..) needs to drag me to gym more often (and vice versa)
-finally finished watching the 2nd season of "24" and have come to the realization that i CANT watch the 3rd season. all the female characters are INFURIATINGLY stupid - except for the evil ones, theyre fine. and they kept bringing in new/random characters into the story: "opps, we've written the story into a corner, hmm what can we do? i know, lets bring in a new character to solve this problem and then he can be killed off afterwards". well ok, so it wasnt EXACTLY like that, but so it seemed. i think mostly, kim just pisses me off; shes useless, and to have her work in CTU 3rd season would just be too painful to watch.
since i always find things that piss me off on a (semi) daily basis, i'll just recount the most recent occurances i.e. from 2 hrs ago:
my relatives from the US arrived today and so we all went out to dinner. i drove myself after coming back from practice. so i was driving around trying to find a parking space (cuz its always so busy) and was pretty pleased when i found one close to the restaurant. i began to pull in when i noticed that these ppl from the car next to it was standing where MY parking space was, they were getting ready to leave and saying bye and stuff to their family/friends. usually this only takes a few minutes, even less if ppl know that youre waiting for the empty space beside them. NO, not THESE jerks:
-"oh bye!"
-" see you later"
-" oh why dont you come get some stuff from my car?"
-"no its on the other side"
- why dont i just take my SWEET time getting into the driver's seat cuz its not like anyone is WAITING for me to drive away
- i think i'll just stand in this empty parking space cuz that car thats starting to pull in couldnt POSSIBLY be pulling into THIS space where i HAPPEN to be standing
-"why dont we meet tmr for dim sum? ok? want to set a time now?"
fucking assholes. i was SOOO close to honking at them when they finally got the point (me glaring at them) and started moving. so i pulled into the spot, got out, glared at them some more, and walked to the restaurant.
upon reaching the doors to the restaurant, still fuming from the incident above, i see this guy standing on the inside of the doors. the doors are frosted so i couldnt see what he looked like, but i thought he seemed kinda old so i was like "well ok, i'll be nice and open the door for him".
not only was the guy NOT old, he was in his late 30s, talking on his cell, and walked thru the doors as if it was my duty to open it for him. forget "thank you", he didnt even throw a glance in my direction before walking off. so even more pissed off than before, i sat down to dinner looking like i was about to kill someone.
this will be the LAST time i EVER open a door for any chinese ppl and i dont even care if they have to use a walking stick(actually these ppl are even worse, almost with a condescending look as they walk thru the door and might as well toss in "thats right girlie, im old and you had better respect me. keep that door open for the rest of my family too"). for sobbing out loud ppl! have you ANY manners at all?? i actually dont mind doing things for (these) people, but they could at least acknowledge the fact that i did something: a nod, a smile, and realize that i could have very well slammed the door in their face, yelled "aha sucka", and walked away that way.
well anyways, so thats that. i think this post is long enough so i'll stop here and hopefully, occasion will strike me to blog again in the near future.
Wednesday, June 16, 2004
supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! you rock! yay. - yeah i duno
weird fascination with obscenely long words .
one more to go. homeward bound: FRIDAY!
(which reminds me: a cowboy rode into town on friday, stayed for 3 days and left on a friday. how was it possible?) (yes im extremely bored, dont remind me)
weird fascination with obscenely long words .
one more to go. homeward bound: FRIDAY!
(which reminds me: a cowboy rode into town on friday, stayed for 3 days and left on a friday. how was it possible?) (yes im extremely bored, dont remind me)
Monday, June 14, 2004
needa study. no school tmr yay
random quizzes and the like:
commandeered from C:
Personality cocktail
Personality cocktail
mmmm long..
Age:: 21 (getting old)
Height:: 5'6" ish
Natural hair colour:: dark dark dark dark brown.
Eye colour:: brown
Number of siblings:: cindizzle!
Glasses/contacts?:: both - hmm want purple eyes
Piercings:: ear (3 formerly 4)
Tattoos:: nope
Braces?:: never had em! whee
Colour:: blue, purple
Band:: The Corrs, OLP, the backstreet boys! lol
Song:: varys
Stuffed animal:: red whale, bottlenose dolphin
Video game:: Don't play em
TV show:: Will and Grace, Scrubs, Gilmore Girls, Firefly!, West Wing
Movie:: Love Actually, lots others
Book:: hmm...
Food:: chocolate!
Game on a cell phone:: nope
CD cover:: geh?
Flower:: Peonies, blue roses, lilies (forgot exactly which)
Scent:: air conditioning - like...first walking into a room that is AC-ed. (ya im weird)
Animal:: dolphins!
Comic book:: Archie
Cereal:: Frosted cheerios.
Website:: :D
Cartoon:: Magic School Bus! it rules.
Play an instrument?:: did. piano and clarinet.
Watch TV more than 60 hours a week?:: no.. i have my computer for that
Like to sing?:: yep! wish i could sing in front of ppl tho
Have a job?:: unfortunately not (yet)
Have a cell phone?:: yar
Like to play sports?:: archery!
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?:: nope
Have a crush on someone?:: nope
Live somewhere NOT in the united states?:: Yeah~ CANADA!
Have more than 5 TVs in your house?:: 2
Have any special talents/skills?:: speaking incoherently with a penchant for making up words along the way.
Excercise daily?:: Walking? Does walking count?!
Like school?:: ya...guess i do
Sing the alphabet backwards?:: but WHY??
Stand on your tip toes without wearing shoes?:: see above
Speak any other languages?:: Cantonese, gibberish..
Go a day without food?:: yep
Stay up for more than 24 hours?:: rhetorical question right?
Read music, not just tabs?:: used to...wonder if i still can...
Roll your tongue?:: no dammit!
Eat a whole pizza?:: personal sized yes.
Snuck out of the house?:: nope. really no need.
Cried to get out of trouble?:: no!
Gotten lost in your city?:: many atime
Seen a shooting star?:: cant recall
Been to any other countries besides the united states?:: China and others, US, Panama
Had a serious surgery?:: Nope, but i do have this urge to stay in a hospital..hmm..
Stolen something important to someone else?:: hmm probably :P
Solved a rubiks cube?:: god no. still floatin' around somewhere in the basement.
Gone out in public in your pajamas?:: ya know, youd think i wouldve since it was so popular in rez, but nope
Cried over a girl?:: nope
Cried over a boy?:: ew course not
Kissed a random stranger?:: hmm no
Hugged a random stranger?:: nope
Been in a fist fight?:: nope
Been arrested?:: unfortunately not
Done drugs?:: nope
Had alcohol?:: yar...
Laughed and had milk come out of your nose?:: came close!
Pushed all the buttons on an elevator?:: i tried! and then someone came on..
Gone to school only to find you had the day off because of a holiday/etc?:: yes actually!
Swore at your parents?:: nope
Been to warped tour?:: wassit? so no
Kicked a guy where it hurts?:: no i think i kneed him tho..poor guy
Been in love?:: haha
Been close to love?:: i love where these two questions are positioned :D
Been to a casino?:: yar
Ran over an animal and killed it?:: no but a bird did fly in front of my car Broken a bone?:: oh that day will come im sure
Gotten stitches?:: yes! actually, i think i cracked open my skull when i was young
Had a waterballoon fight in winter?:: not yet!
Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour?:: ewww
Made homemade muffins?:: yes! banana! they were yum.
Bitten someone?:: not recently.
Been to disneyland/disneyworld?:: the one in Florida
More than 5 times?:: nope
Been to niagra falls?:: too many times
Burped in someones face?:: nope.
Gotten the chicken pox?:: yes thank goodness
Brushed your teeth:: this morning
Went to the bathroom:: mmm pee schedule
Saw a movie in theaters:: couple of weeks ago.. HP3!!
Read a book:: exams!! ahh!
Had a snow day:: a *personal* snow day? last semester
Had a party:: ermm..
Had a slumber party:: hmm...
Made fun of someone:: im cut off from the outside world...
Tripped in front of someone:: hardly
Went to the grocery store:: .. last weekend ?
Got sick:: gah! random stupidness, last week! better now in time for exams. yay.
Cursed:: today
Fruit/vegetables:: cant, both
Black/white:: grey
Lights on/lights off:: Lights on
TV/movie:: movie
Car/truck:: Car
Body spray/lotion:: lotion
Cash/check:: cash!
Pillows/blankets:: pillows!!
Headache/stomach ache:: neither? headache i guess
Paint/charcoal:: finger Paint
Chinese food/mexican food:: chinese duh
Summer/winter:: winter! all bugs are DEAD
Snow/rain:: snow
Fog/misty:: misty
Rock/rap:: rock
Meat/vegetarian:: mix
Boy/girl:: still deciding
Chocolate/vanilla:: chocolate!!
Sprinkles/icing:: neither really
Cake/pie:: cake AND pie!
French toast/french fries:: french toast!
Strawberries/blueberries:: blueberries
Ocean/swimming pool:: ocean to sit by, pool to swim in
Hugs/kisses:: ....
Cookies/muffins:: cookies
p33n/bewbz:: no am not a complete geek
Wallet/pocket:: wallet
Window/door:: i can walk thru windows..yes
Emo/goth:: neither
Pink/purple:: purple
Cat/dog:: dogs!
Long sleeve/short sleeve:: short sleeve
Pants/shorts:: pants
Winter break/spring break:: winter. it's longer
Spring/autumn:: autumn-things are starting to die.
Clouds/clear sky:: clouds
Moon/mars:: mars
How many friends do you have?:: a selected few
What are their names?:: --
Do you have a best friend?:: Yes
Have you ever liked one of your friends?:: heh
Do you have more guy friends or more girl friends?:: guy friends
Have you ever lost a friend?:: yes - as in stopped talking to
Have you ever gone to an amusement park with a friend?:: duh
Whats an inside joke between you and a friend?:: haha dont get me started. we have many
Have you ever gotten in a big arguement with a friend?:: hmm ya
Whats the nicest thing youve ever done for a friend?:: ask them ;)
Whats the nicest thing a friend has ever done for you?:: just being there
Do you miss any of your old friends?:: yeah.
What friend have you known the longest?:: hmm prolly jaime, or carol, then robbie and thus our highschool entourage :P
Do you regret anything youve done to a friend?:: mebbe small things that i cant remember
If so, what is it?:: ..
How often do you spend time with your friends?:: as often as i can
Do any of your friends drive?:: yep!
Has a friend of yours ever died?:: nope
Whats the dumbest thing youve done with a friend?:: let's not go there.
What do you think your friends think of you?:: well theyre nice enough to tell me every once in awhile
Have you ever been in love?::
If you have, with who?::
Are you single?::
Are you in a relationship?::
If so, for how long?::
Do you believe there is someone for everyone?:: nope, not anymore
What is your idea of the best date?:: the guy being present is a good start :P
What was your first kiss like?::
How old were you when you got your first kiss?::
Do you think love is a load of shit?:: at times
Whats the best experiance youve ever had with the opposite sex?::
If you are single, have you had any boyfriends/girlfriends before?::
Have you ever been dumped?::
Have you ever dumped someone?::
Whats the most sexual thing youve done with the opposite sex?::
Slippers:: throwing
Hat:: mysterious
Hard:: concrete
Free:: stuff
Space:: firefly!
Taste:: bitter
Good charlotte:: hmm Sex and the City character
Red:: door
Deep:: space nine?
Heart:: less
Cord:: pants
Cheese:: liane
Rain:: Maida ;P
Work:: need one
Pedal:: bike
Head:: examined
Bed:: pillows
Fluff:: kitty
Hardcore:: rocker?
Race:: vroom!
Knife:: "i dont get mad, i get stabby"
Jump:: rope for heart
I am:: jaded
want:: chocolate
need:: to ace exams
crave:: new bow
love:: joke
hate:: exams
did:: not sleep
feel:: tired
miss:: archery
am annoyed by:: people
would rather:: dream
am tired of:: pretending
will always:: exist
What is your favourite genre of music?:: all
What time is it now?:: 942 pm
What day is it?:: monday
Whens the last time you called someone?:: last week?
How much money do you have right now?:: 5bux cash mebbe
Are you hungry?:: lydia is such a good provider
Whatcha doin?:: absolutely ntohing, hence this quiz
Do you like parades?:: gay pride this sat!
Do you like the moon?:: only if i can keep it
What are you going to do when youre done with this?:: showa
Isnt cup a funny word when you repeat it over and over?:: no pants is! and depantsify is even funnier
If you could have any magical power what would it be?:: teleportation!
Have you ever had a picnic?:: yep
Did you ever have one of those skip-its when you were young?:: yes!!
What about sock em boppers?:: no
Are you wearing any socks right now?:: yar
funny?:: more sarcastic
pretty?:: sure why not
sarcastic?:: oh here we are..
lazy?:: aha!
hyper?:: on my good days
friendly?:: usually
evil?:: most of the time
smart?:: not lately
strong?:: damn pickle jar ...
talented?:: depends on what
dorky?:: not enough
high:: alan? lol
skip:: kim
dance:: eugene (lol i duno)
lonely:: andrew
pen:: my grandpapa
flower:: mom
window:: me!!
psycho:: oh lets not start..
brain freeze:: i duno
orange:: lydia
sassy:: sass...whos got sass...meunno
jelly:: ?
suicide:: well....for certain ppl...
love:: deciding
drunk drivers:: duh
airplanes:: whee
war:: against
canada:: YAY!
united states:: meh
rock music:: for
gay marriage:: yay!
school:: for
surveys:: this one was long..
parents:: thats why im here
cars:: mmm small
killing:: mmmmmmm moving target..
britney spears:: mmmmmmmm moving target..
coffee:: COFFEE!? YAY!!
pants:: haha pants.
Sky dive?:: yeah!
Play strip poker?:: aww how romantic
Run away?:: i ran away to kingston..does that count?
Curse at a teacher?:: not AT them..
Not take a shower for a week?:: if i feel rebellious
Ask someone out?:: meh
Lie to someone to make them think better of you?:: nope
Visit a foreign country for more than a month?:: yes!
Go scuba diving?:: oo dolphins!
Write a book?:: whee gibberish!
Become a rockstar?:: canadian idol here i come!
Have casual sex?:: taking tips from SatC :P
What shampoo do you use?:: Right now: thermal something or other...
Whens the last time you did something sexual with the opposite sex?:: but what does that meeeean??
What kind of computer do you have?:: an uncooperative one
What grade are you in?:: spring term after 2nd yr
Do you like to throw popcorn at people in the movies?:: yes i would like to
Or just make out?:: throw popcorn at the people making out, and making lots of noise; seriously, theatre for the stupid
How many posters do you have in your room?:: a few
How many cds do you have?:: too damn many to count
What time is it now?:: 956pm
mm long
*update* ya it reformatted itself...weird. oh well..
needa study. no school tmr yay
random quizzes and the like:
commandeered from C:
How to make a WENDY |
Ingredients: 5 parts anger 1 part crazyiness 3 parts ego |
Method: Stir together in a glass tumbler with a salted rim. Serve with a slice of wisdom and a pinch of salt. Yum! |
Personality cocktail
How to make a WND |
Ingredients: 5 parts jealousy 5 parts ambition 3 parts joy |
Method: Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Top it off with a sprinkle of curiosity and enjoy! |
Personality cocktail
mmmm long..
Age:: 21 (getting old)
Height:: 5'6" ish
Natural hair colour:: dark dark dark dark brown.
Eye colour:: brown
Number of siblings:: cindizzle!
Glasses/contacts?:: both - hmm want purple eyes
Piercings:: ear (3 formerly 4)
Tattoos:: nope
Braces?:: never had em! whee
Colour:: blue, purple
Band:: The Corrs, OLP, the backstreet boys! lol
Song:: varys
Stuffed animal:: red whale, bottlenose dolphin
Video game:: Don't play em
TV show:: Will and Grace, Scrubs, Gilmore Girls, Firefly!, West Wing
Movie:: Love Actually, lots others
Book:: hmm...
Food:: chocolate!
Game on a cell phone:: nope
CD cover:: geh?
Flower:: Peonies, blue roses, lilies (forgot exactly which)
Scent:: air conditioning - like...first walking into a room that is AC-ed. (ya im weird)
Animal:: dolphins!
Comic book:: Archie
Cereal:: Frosted cheerios.
Website:: :D
Cartoon:: Magic School Bus! it rules.
Play an instrument?:: did. piano and clarinet.
Watch TV more than 60 hours a week?:: no.. i have my computer for that
Like to sing?:: yep! wish i could sing in front of ppl tho
Have a job?:: unfortunately not (yet)
Have a cell phone?:: yar
Like to play sports?:: archery!
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?:: nope
Have a crush on someone?:: nope
Live somewhere NOT in the united states?:: Yeah~ CANADA!
Have more than 5 TVs in your house?:: 2
Have any special talents/skills?:: speaking incoherently with a penchant for making up words along the way.
Excercise daily?:: Walking? Does walking count?!
Like school?:: ya...guess i do
Sing the alphabet backwards?:: but WHY??
Stand on your tip toes without wearing shoes?:: see above
Speak any other languages?:: Cantonese, gibberish..
Go a day without food?:: yep
Stay up for more than 24 hours?:: rhetorical question right?
Read music, not just tabs?:: used to...wonder if i still can...
Roll your tongue?:: no dammit!
Eat a whole pizza?:: personal sized yes.
Snuck out of the house?:: nope. really no need.
Cried to get out of trouble?:: no!
Gotten lost in your city?:: many atime
Seen a shooting star?:: cant recall
Been to any other countries besides the united states?:: China and others, US, Panama
Had a serious surgery?:: Nope, but i do have this urge to stay in a hospital..hmm..
Stolen something important to someone else?:: hmm probably :P
Solved a rubiks cube?:: god no. still floatin' around somewhere in the basement.
Gone out in public in your pajamas?:: ya know, youd think i wouldve since it was so popular in rez, but nope
Cried over a girl?:: nope
Cried over a boy?:: ew course not
Kissed a random stranger?:: hmm no
Hugged a random stranger?:: nope
Been in a fist fight?:: nope
Been arrested?:: unfortunately not
Done drugs?:: nope
Had alcohol?:: yar...
Laughed and had milk come out of your nose?:: came close!
Pushed all the buttons on an elevator?:: i tried! and then someone came on..
Gone to school only to find you had the day off because of a holiday/etc?:: yes actually!
Swore at your parents?:: nope
Been to warped tour?:: wassit? so no
Kicked a guy where it hurts?:: no i think i kneed him tho..poor guy
Been in love?:: haha
Been close to love?:: i love where these two questions are positioned :D
Been to a casino?:: yar
Ran over an animal and killed it?:: no but a bird did fly in front of my car Broken a bone?:: oh that day will come im sure
Gotten stitches?:: yes! actually, i think i cracked open my skull when i was young
Had a waterballoon fight in winter?:: not yet!
Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour?:: ewww
Made homemade muffins?:: yes! banana! they were yum.
Bitten someone?:: not recently.
Been to disneyland/disneyworld?:: the one in Florida
More than 5 times?:: nope
Been to niagra falls?:: too many times
Burped in someones face?:: nope.
Gotten the chicken pox?:: yes thank goodness
Brushed your teeth:: this morning
Went to the bathroom:: mmm pee schedule
Saw a movie in theaters:: couple of weeks ago.. HP3!!
Read a book:: exams!! ahh!
Had a snow day:: a *personal* snow day? last semester
Had a party:: ermm..
Had a slumber party:: hmm...
Made fun of someone:: im cut off from the outside world...
Tripped in front of someone:: hardly
Went to the grocery store:: .. last weekend ?
Got sick:: gah! random stupidness, last week! better now in time for exams. yay.
Cursed:: today
Fruit/vegetables:: cant, both
Black/white:: grey
Lights on/lights off:: Lights on
TV/movie:: movie
Car/truck:: Car
Body spray/lotion:: lotion
Cash/check:: cash!
Pillows/blankets:: pillows!!
Headache/stomach ache:: neither? headache i guess
Paint/charcoal:: finger Paint
Chinese food/mexican food:: chinese duh
Summer/winter:: winter! all bugs are DEAD
Snow/rain:: snow
Fog/misty:: misty
Rock/rap:: rock
Meat/vegetarian:: mix
Boy/girl:: still deciding
Chocolate/vanilla:: chocolate!!
Sprinkles/icing:: neither really
Cake/pie:: cake AND pie!
French toast/french fries:: french toast!
Strawberries/blueberries:: blueberries
Ocean/swimming pool:: ocean to sit by, pool to swim in
Hugs/kisses:: ....
Cookies/muffins:: cookies
p33n/bewbz:: no am not a complete geek
Wallet/pocket:: wallet
Window/door:: i can walk thru windows..yes
Emo/goth:: neither
Pink/purple:: purple
Cat/dog:: dogs!
Long sleeve/short sleeve:: short sleeve
Pants/shorts:: pants
Winter break/spring break:: winter. it's longer
Spring/autumn:: autumn-things are starting to die.
Clouds/clear sky:: clouds
Moon/mars:: mars
How many friends do you have?:: a selected few
What are their names?:: --
Do you have a best friend?:: Yes
Have you ever liked one of your friends?:: heh
Do you have more guy friends or more girl friends?:: guy friends
Have you ever lost a friend?:: yes - as in stopped talking to
Have you ever gone to an amusement park with a friend?:: duh
Whats an inside joke between you and a friend?:: haha dont get me started. we have many
Have you ever gotten in a big arguement with a friend?:: hmm ya
Whats the nicest thing youve ever done for a friend?:: ask them ;)
Whats the nicest thing a friend has ever done for you?:: just being there
Do you miss any of your old friends?:: yeah.
What friend have you known the longest?:: hmm prolly jaime, or carol, then robbie and thus our highschool entourage :P
Do you regret anything youve done to a friend?:: mebbe small things that i cant remember
If so, what is it?:: ..
How often do you spend time with your friends?:: as often as i can
Do any of your friends drive?:: yep!
Has a friend of yours ever died?:: nope
Whats the dumbest thing youve done with a friend?:: let's not go there.
What do you think your friends think of you?:: well theyre nice enough to tell me every once in awhile
Have you ever been in love?::
If you have, with who?::
Are you single?::
Are you in a relationship?::
If so, for how long?::
Do you believe there is someone for everyone?:: nope, not anymore
What is your idea of the best date?:: the guy being present is a good start :P
What was your first kiss like?::
How old were you when you got your first kiss?::
Do you think love is a load of shit?:: at times
Whats the best experiance youve ever had with the opposite sex?::
If you are single, have you had any boyfriends/girlfriends before?::
Have you ever been dumped?::
Have you ever dumped someone?::
Whats the most sexual thing youve done with the opposite sex?::
Slippers:: throwing
Hat:: mysterious
Hard:: concrete
Free:: stuff
Space:: firefly!
Taste:: bitter
Good charlotte:: hmm Sex and the City character
Red:: door
Deep:: space nine?
Heart:: less
Cord:: pants
Cheese:: liane
Rain:: Maida ;P
Work:: need one
Pedal:: bike
Head:: examined
Bed:: pillows
Fluff:: kitty
Hardcore:: rocker?
Race:: vroom!
Knife:: "i dont get mad, i get stabby"
Jump:: rope for heart
I am:: jaded
want:: chocolate
need:: to ace exams
crave:: new bow
love:: joke
hate:: exams
did:: not sleep
feel:: tired
miss:: archery
am annoyed by:: people
would rather:: dream
am tired of:: pretending
will always:: exist
What is your favourite genre of music?:: all
What time is it now?:: 942 pm
What day is it?:: monday
Whens the last time you called someone?:: last week?
How much money do you have right now?:: 5bux cash mebbe
Are you hungry?:: lydia is such a good provider
Whatcha doin?:: absolutely ntohing, hence this quiz
Do you like parades?:: gay pride this sat!
Do you like the moon?:: only if i can keep it
What are you going to do when youre done with this?:: showa
Isnt cup a funny word when you repeat it over and over?:: no pants is! and depantsify is even funnier
If you could have any magical power what would it be?:: teleportation!
Have you ever had a picnic?:: yep
Did you ever have one of those skip-its when you were young?:: yes!!
What about sock em boppers?:: no
Are you wearing any socks right now?:: yar
funny?:: more sarcastic
pretty?:: sure why not
sarcastic?:: oh here we are..
lazy?:: aha!
hyper?:: on my good days
friendly?:: usually
evil?:: most of the time
smart?:: not lately
strong?:: damn pickle jar ...
talented?:: depends on what
dorky?:: not enough
high:: alan? lol
skip:: kim
dance:: eugene (lol i duno)
lonely:: andrew
pen:: my grandpapa
flower:: mom
window:: me!!
psycho:: oh lets not start..
brain freeze:: i duno
orange:: lydia
sassy:: sass...whos got sass...meunno
jelly:: ?
suicide:: well....for certain ppl...
love:: deciding
drunk drivers:: duh
airplanes:: whee
war:: against
canada:: YAY!
united states:: meh
rock music:: for
gay marriage:: yay!
school:: for
surveys:: this one was long..
parents:: thats why im here
cars:: mmm small
killing:: mmmmmmm moving target..
britney spears:: mmmmmmmm moving target..
coffee:: COFFEE!? YAY!!
pants:: haha pants.
Sky dive?:: yeah!
Play strip poker?:: aww how romantic
Run away?:: i ran away to kingston..does that count?
Curse at a teacher?:: not AT them..
Not take a shower for a week?:: if i feel rebellious
Ask someone out?:: meh
Lie to someone to make them think better of you?:: nope
Visit a foreign country for more than a month?:: yes!
Go scuba diving?:: oo dolphins!
Write a book?:: whee gibberish!
Become a rockstar?:: canadian idol here i come!
Have casual sex?:: taking tips from SatC :P
What shampoo do you use?:: Right now: thermal something or other...
Whens the last time you did something sexual with the opposite sex?:: but what does that meeeean??
What kind of computer do you have?:: an uncooperative one
What grade are you in?:: spring term after 2nd yr
Do you like to throw popcorn at people in the movies?:: yes i would like to
Or just make out?:: throw popcorn at the people making out, and making lots of noise; seriously, theatre for the stupid
How many posters do you have in your room?:: a few
How many cds do you have?:: too damn many to count
What time is it now?:: 956pm
mm long
*update* ya it reformatted itself...weird. oh well..
Thursday, June 10, 2004
1 week left
everybody needs to go see Harry Potter 3! went to see it with Li, Alex, and Robbie opening weekend, not as packed as i thought it would be...but then thats also cuz i was late (again) and everyone was already inside..actually no, i take that back cuz the theatre was pretty empty, comparatively speaking (with regards to the past 2 movies).
the new director really put a new spin on the story, too bad he's only directing this one. it's so much funnier: more jokes, cracks, poking fun. loved how he crammed so much more "magic" scenes into the movie, watching the background action was almost as entertaining as paying attention to the actual movie :) probably the only thing i found (slightly) annoying about the director was that he LOVED close-ups. every other scene was him zooming in on: the characters, nature shots, etc. it got a bit much after awhile.
as for the many "sexual undertones" that many movie reviewers hinted to, they all have dirty, dirty minds. WHAT were they paying attention to?? so fine, just because the last movie he directed was more sexually explicit than this one, doesnt mean that he would direct a childrens movie the same way too. really, i saw none of it - more like the awkward preteen stage.
oh yeah... Emma Thompson was AWESOME as PROFESSOR TREWLANEY. ACTING! whoohoo! she portrayed the character so accurately and it was exactly as i had imagined her to be. too bad she didnt have that many scenes, she was hilarious.
what else?
started watching Firefly and am now addicted thanks to Ly. it's a sci-fi western. "gwah??" you say? heh, yea thats right. but its incredibly witty and cleverly written - so naturally, it got cancelled. stupid Fox, youre all idiots. it's so very quotable, although ive not watched it nearly enough times to remember anything specifically. darn.
"this is mah very favourite gun....i call her vera". hee. (im sure i'll get corrected on that quote :P )
one weird thing bout the series is that the characters keep blurting out these random phrases that sound...mandarin. hmm mangled beyond recognition? or some new mix of languages. well they say it fluently enough so it sounds believable coming out of their mouths. i should learn mandarin.
what else?
ya im about to chuck my stupid mp3/cd player into a REALLY hard surface. like a concrete elephant. blasted thing skips like its purposely trying to piss me off - not that it takes much. what the hell??! i WALK and it skips. forget putting it in my backpack, at one point i was holding it in my HAND. so i wondered if it just wasnt cuz it was a burnt music cd, so i put a legit one in and it played perfectly. well what the HELL GOOD is that if its supposed to play mp3's?!? it also plays well if its lying perfectly still and on a flat surface, or if youre walking REEEEEEEEEEAAALLY SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWLY. stupid iRiver, you suck. now i have to go back to pacific mall and haggle with the storekeeper. i hate haggling. need to switch to another company! hmm will have to bring my mummerz. she can sweet-talk like nobody's business ;)
hmm what else?
i want a new bow. since thats not gonna happen anytime soon...want carbon arrows. or could set my sights a BIT lower and get these.
frick. damn expensive. and jobless.
oh yeah! have been told to compete in this, so hopefully will be in good shape then. mmmmmmmmm Canadian Championships.
Avril - under my skin album - "forgotten"
Andre Rieu - "jalousie tango"
Rachael Lampa - "if you believe"
Michael Bublé - "come fly with me"
everybody needs to go see Harry Potter 3! went to see it with Li, Alex, and Robbie opening weekend, not as packed as i thought it would be...but then thats also cuz i was late (again) and everyone was already inside..actually no, i take that back cuz the theatre was pretty empty, comparatively speaking (with regards to the past 2 movies).
the new director really put a new spin on the story, too bad he's only directing this one. it's so much funnier: more jokes, cracks, poking fun. loved how he crammed so much more "magic" scenes into the movie, watching the background action was almost as entertaining as paying attention to the actual movie :) probably the only thing i found (slightly) annoying about the director was that he LOVED close-ups. every other scene was him zooming in on: the characters, nature shots, etc. it got a bit much after awhile.
as for the many "sexual undertones" that many movie reviewers hinted to, they all have dirty, dirty minds. WHAT were they paying attention to?? so fine, just because the last movie he directed was more sexually explicit than this one, doesnt mean that he would direct a childrens movie the same way too. really, i saw none of it - more like the awkward preteen stage.
oh yeah... Emma Thompson was AWESOME as PROFESSOR TREWLANEY. ACTING! whoohoo! she portrayed the character so accurately and it was exactly as i had imagined her to be. too bad she didnt have that many scenes, she was hilarious.
what else?
started watching Firefly and am now addicted thanks to Ly. it's a sci-fi western. "gwah??" you say? heh, yea thats right. but its incredibly witty and cleverly written - so naturally, it got cancelled. stupid Fox, youre all idiots. it's so very quotable, although ive not watched it nearly enough times to remember anything specifically. darn.
"this is mah very favourite gun....i call her vera". hee. (im sure i'll get corrected on that quote :P )
one weird thing bout the series is that the characters keep blurting out these random phrases that sound...mandarin. hmm mangled beyond recognition? or some new mix of languages. well they say it fluently enough so it sounds believable coming out of their mouths. i should learn mandarin.
what else?
ya im about to chuck my stupid mp3/cd player into a REALLY hard surface. like a concrete elephant. blasted thing skips like its purposely trying to piss me off - not that it takes much. what the hell??! i WALK and it skips. forget putting it in my backpack, at one point i was holding it in my HAND. so i wondered if it just wasnt cuz it was a burnt music cd, so i put a legit one in and it played perfectly. well what the HELL GOOD is that if its supposed to play mp3's?!? it also plays well if its lying perfectly still and on a flat surface, or if youre walking REEEEEEEEEEAAALLY SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWLY. stupid iRiver, you suck. now i have to go back to pacific mall and haggle with the storekeeper. i hate haggling. need to switch to another company! hmm will have to bring my mummerz. she can sweet-talk like nobody's business ;)
hmm what else?
i want a new bow. since thats not gonna happen anytime soon...want carbon arrows. or could set my sights a BIT lower and get these.
frick. damn expensive. and jobless.
oh yeah! have been told to compete in this, so hopefully will be in good shape then. mmmmmmmmm Canadian Championships.
Avril - under my skin album - "forgotten"
Andre Rieu - "jalousie tango"
Rachael Lampa - "if you believe"
Michael Bublé - "come fly with me"
Friday, May 28, 2004
Wednesday, May 26, 2004
oh right, i forgot why i didnt want to post...blogger is so damn blubbly now. and too many buttons to click
anyhoo..i wonder if there is ever a polite way to tell someone they STINK. heres the story. so i came back to kingston after the long weekend and took coach canada instead of driving back parents were paranoid that it was gonna pour (actually it was forecasted but never did end up pouring) and i would slam into a tree (or a mac truck).
anyways, so whatever that wasnt a big deal. i got on the bus and sat near the back - sorta the first row of seats just in front of the washroom. 2 seconds after i sat down i was like "holy cow, WHAT is that smell??" at first i thought it was coming from the washroom, except that it never smells like that. well i got up and moved anyways just in case. then, the cause of this putridfying smell came out of the washroom. HE was the reason. to help you better understand the extent of this paralyzing odour, imagine someone peeing on themselves for ... however many YEARS and NEVER taking a bath. seriously, the homeless people in downtown TO dont smell this bad. have you ever been around little boys, usually toddlers, with jam hands and sometimes smelling like urine? well, like that only 100 times worse. it was bad. it was nauseating. it was 2 fucking hours trapped in a seat 4 rows ahead of him. heh, funny sight was that everyone had their coats around their head or just covering their noses (same with me).
and yea, speaking of 2 hrs, he had went up to the driver to chat for the first 30 mins of the trip. so i think the driver took pity on us and floored it all the way to kingston. picture this: bus arrived at 6pm, we made a brief stop at Whitby GO station, and arrived at Kingston bus terminal at exactly 8pm. thats insane, but much appreciated. of course it smelt..much longer than that.
there were other stories/rants that i had from this weekend, but this one topped them all.
(that and im lazy)
anyhoo..i wonder if there is ever a polite way to tell someone they STINK. heres the story. so i came back to kingston after the long weekend and took coach canada instead of driving back parents were paranoid that it was gonna pour (actually it was forecasted but never did end up pouring) and i would slam into a tree (or a mac truck).
anyways, so whatever that wasnt a big deal. i got on the bus and sat near the back - sorta the first row of seats just in front of the washroom. 2 seconds after i sat down i was like "holy cow, WHAT is that smell??" at first i thought it was coming from the washroom, except that it never smells like that. well i got up and moved anyways just in case. then, the cause of this putridfying smell came out of the washroom. HE was the reason. to help you better understand the extent of this paralyzing odour, imagine someone peeing on themselves for ... however many YEARS and NEVER taking a bath. seriously, the homeless people in downtown TO dont smell this bad. have you ever been around little boys, usually toddlers, with jam hands and sometimes smelling like urine? well, like that only 100 times worse. it was bad. it was nauseating. it was 2 fucking hours trapped in a seat 4 rows ahead of him. heh, funny sight was that everyone had their coats around their head or just covering their noses (same with me).
and yea, speaking of 2 hrs, he had went up to the driver to chat for the first 30 mins of the trip. so i think the driver took pity on us and floored it all the way to kingston. picture this: bus arrived at 6pm, we made a brief stop at Whitby GO station, and arrived at Kingston bus terminal at exactly 8pm. thats insane, but much appreciated. of course it smelt..much longer than that.
there were other stories/rants that i had from this weekend, but this one topped them all.
(that and im lazy)
Monday, May 10, 2004
hmmm blogger changed its format for posting and whatnot..i dont like it...theres more clicking involved. i dont like unwelcomed change
a fast update since i have tutorials in bout .5 hrs.
-for awhile, a guy moved in across the street from us. he had no blinds. not so anymore..darn it.
-the weather here is finally becoming less spastic..well, still rain but not so much with the ridiculous temperature changes.
- has anyone ever seen "the swan" on tv? another one of those reality shows where they take women and remake them complete with plastic surgery? man, that is so disgusting. i mean, great for those women now cuz they had such low self-esteem to start with..but down the road? when the plastic starts messing them up? good luck with all that. its so sad
- there are no newspaper to be found anywhere on campus. SUCH limited supply its not even funny...i came to school today around 9am and managed to grab a copy of the star, by break time 1.5 hrs later, everything was gone. i guess im not the only one without internet access at home
-hmm there were more things i had in mind to blather on about but i cant tune in next time.
laterz yo
a fast update since i have tutorials in bout .5 hrs.
-for awhile, a guy moved in across the street from us. he had no blinds. not so anymore..darn it.
-the weather here is finally becoming less spastic..well, still rain but not so much with the ridiculous temperature changes.
- has anyone ever seen "the swan" on tv? another one of those reality shows where they take women and remake them complete with plastic surgery? man, that is so disgusting. i mean, great for those women now cuz they had such low self-esteem to start with..but down the road? when the plastic starts messing them up? good luck with all that. its so sad
- there are no newspaper to be found anywhere on campus. SUCH limited supply its not even funny...i came to school today around 9am and managed to grab a copy of the star, by break time 1.5 hrs later, everything was gone. i guess im not the only one without internet access at home
-hmm there were more things i had in mind to blather on about but i cant tune in next time.
laterz yo
Wednesday, May 5, 2004
fine you guys are so lazy and then yell at me for not updating!! it's still long ..regardless...however, edited!! blah. enjoy :D
so it's been awhile...will be even more so now that im here in kingston for the spring term and have NO internet at home and have to trek the 15 mins to campus to check my email.
whats been new? lets start at the beginning..for those at work..prepare for some major time wasting (and good money spent on your boss' account ;) Here we go:
~I PASSED MY G TEST!!! WHOO!!! bring on the reckless driving cuz i dont have to care till im 60! (or is it 65? anyhoo...) wheeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
~ went to fairview with Li last friday and shopped at H&M. that store is fast becoming my fav. place to shop! go check it out if you have time.. the men's section/selection is pretty slim however. oh and went to see "13 going on 30" - the new movie with Jennifer Garner. it was...hmm...a cheesy but cute movie. and more cheese and it wouldve been unbearable, but as it stands now i'd recommend going to see it as a "hmm what should we do now? we're bored and are so tired of walking around the mall, i know! lets go see a movie" -type deal(sarcasm works when its shorter, i know i know). but no, it's very predictable but very funny. makes you think back to those good ol' days of gr 7 and/or 8 when the mean, bitchy girls ruled the school...speaking of which, i also want to go see "mean girls". guilty pleasure? mmm perhaps ;) Lindsay Lohan is so much more tolerable than Hilary Duff, i find. something about HD makes her so...wasstheword...slappable.
~ oh! and Li and I both bought another HOOJ mug from Disney. im starting a collection..i have 2 now. hee. s'wonderful. why use regular sized mugs when you can have a HOOJ one? exactly.
~moving day in kingston: was PAINFUL. i will never be able to figure out how THREE people managed to accumulate so much STUFF (i hesitate to use the word 'crap' cuz..theyre all invaluable possessions...ummm yes). so anyways, we rented a cargo van and made 4 FULL trips! boxes and boxes of our own individual stuff and then comes the furniture. so while we did take (a lot) of audrey's stuff with us, it still took us from 10 - 11ish AM till around 7:30 PM to finish moving everything into our new house, this doesnt even account for the fact that we did NO unpacking or rearranging of furniture..basically, we moved everything in and left. JOEL is fantastic! he drove back from TO to help us move and then drove back the next day. so very nice of him...we left him Lindt chocolate as (a sort of) payment :D
~ anyways, complications with one of the old tenats who hadnt moved out yet and lead to her thinking we were loud, obnoxious people who wanted to take over the apt before her lease was up; and us(me) thinking that she was a slob who hadnt even started packing yet and couldnt pick up after herself. yar...i tried to vacuum the place before the others started moving in the furniture but couldnt understand why there were SO many pieces of: clothes, garbage, decoration, misc lying around when she was to move out in a couple of days and shouldve been packing. so started throwing out the garbage and taking out the garbage bags in order to clean and make room for ALL of our stuff; was later informed that we (I) was infringing on her privacy since technically it was still her place. ok understandable from her perspective, but partially..i was thinking: ok but im cleaning YOUR house as youre living in it, how is THAT fair? if you knew that we were gonna be moving in, logically wouldnt you move your stuff out of the way? oh well, misunderstanding on communication i suppose. s'all over now
~ we have our house/apt!!! it has so much potential! theres a landing at the top of the stairs that we WILL be turning into cushion heaven, tho so far its been a storage place for boxes..and rather dusty and cobwebby.
~ enclosed alleyway is so fantastic since it usually means that we dont have to lock our door during the day. still have to meet our (townie) neighbours but theyve not been a problem thus far. rather loud at times (which im at present attributing to the hockey playoffs...), but bearable. will have to get used to the traffic noises outside my window (cuz we're located RIGHT in the heart of downtown kingston) but i'll categorize it as ambient noise(in my mind) and hopefully it'll not bother me too much in the future.
~ so the apt is still in a working state: there are boxes in odd places, furniture that needs to be turned upright, places that need to be wiped, and carpets that need to be deep cleaned..vacuumed...something process that i cant remember right now but ive been blathering on about for the past week! duno how they lived..its so gicky. the carpet turned 3 shades darker after i ran the vacuum over it several times. it was quite appalling. Ly rocks cuz she cleaned so much stuff already before i moved in (for spring term). so am now slowly rearranging my room, unpacking and cleaning other parts of the house. its a slow process.
~ things that are FABULOUS about our apt: our "neighbours" downstairs in the bistro. i went with Ly downstairs to the bistro to get our mail(cuz its delivered there for simplicity sake) and met one of the workers there. Michael: so very nice, friendly, gay, and FABULOUS. he is just so cute, if youve ever watched Sex and the City, he acts just like Standford Blatch. meeting him for the first time, he proceeded to tell Ly and I about his evening at the opera with his partner...richest people in kingston..yada yada...good food...yada yada...very talented singers...yada yada...and painted a very vivid picture of all the fabulous gowns and jewellery some of the women were wearing. as Ly said, he couldnt have made a better first impression/ put on a better show for me. i love him, he is fabulous :D
~ OUR LOCATION is absolutely unbelievable(i'd use fabulous again, but i think im exhausting the word)! we're SO close to everything. shoppers the literally across the street, as is zellers. business depot is down the street, food basics isnt too far from that. the hospital is one street behind us, in case Li falls down the flight of concrete stairs (knock on wood) ;P, and very yummy restaurants/eateries all around. i love it!! the only bad thing is that campus is a full 15 min walk at a brisk pace, and there is no free parking - so you park on the street and feed the meter, or park illegally and plead to the judge that you are a poor student and cant pay when you get ticketed :D Still have to figure out the bus route since it runs RIGHT by us and takes us to campus directly...but i have another month to go and with the gorgeous weather now, i'd rather walk.
~ Spring courses: one of my profs is so FANTASTIC. she explained stuff with such clarity that i wonder why she didnt teach during the fall/winter term. im very happy with her...should be a good course.
~ finally an econ prof that is NOT asian. hes pretty. young, tall, British :D ...without the accent but with english tendencies/phrases/examples. quite enjoyable.
~ Kingston in the Spring: WHAT is with all these lil highschoolers wandering around? im sure theyre here for some sorta program cuz they have this flourescent lanyard/keychain hanging from their pockets. annoying. well mostly cuz my classes are in maccory and the computers in there are always taken up by them such that i cant check my email in between breaks...hmm oh well. once again: why do the little girls look so skanky?? already! so sad. no older than 16 i would guess. it boggles the mind.
~ stupid insects! theyre like ants thatve developed wings and theyre EVERYWHERE! i guess its worse now cuz it just rained the night before but..yech! you never know where they are until you walk thru a whole column of them - flying around your head, and youre swatting the air like some mad woman. theres a good reason why ive never gone camping, nor have any real desire to. id get eaten alive. i loathe all those that i cant shoot dead with an arrow. bring on the pesticide.
~ been given the key to the boyz house and have been cleaning out their fridge! i know you guys read this! youre all insane..theres so much stuff in the freezer! but not much in the unless you were all planning to have a BBQ sometime mid-june, s'all gone. woulda sent out an email but well...lazy so you can learn about it here. *smile* the house is so empty..its so depressing. but at least you know no one's broken in! so yay! for you.
s'all for now. dont expect anything exciting much will be happening here anytime soon. will be back in TO for some weekends but other than that..need to clean/organize house and study! midterms are in 3 weeks..insanity! but yes, do email me cuz that will likely be the highlight of my day :P
so it's been awhile...will be even more so now that im here in kingston for the spring term and have NO internet at home and have to trek the 15 mins to campus to check my email.
whats been new? lets start at the beginning..for those at work..prepare for some major time wasting (and good money spent on your boss' account ;) Here we go:
~I PASSED MY G TEST!!! WHOO!!! bring on the reckless driving cuz i dont have to care till im 60! (or is it 65? anyhoo...) wheeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
~ went to fairview with Li last friday and shopped at H&M. that store is fast becoming my fav. place to shop! go check it out if you have time.. the men's section/selection is pretty slim however. oh and went to see "13 going on 30" - the new movie with Jennifer Garner. it was...hmm...a cheesy but cute movie. and more cheese and it wouldve been unbearable, but as it stands now i'd recommend going to see it as a "hmm what should we do now? we're bored and are so tired of walking around the mall, i know! lets go see a movie" -type deal(sarcasm works when its shorter, i know i know). but no, it's very predictable but very funny. makes you think back to those good ol' days of gr 7 and/or 8 when the mean, bitchy girls ruled the school...speaking of which, i also want to go see "mean girls". guilty pleasure? mmm perhaps ;) Lindsay Lohan is so much more tolerable than Hilary Duff, i find. something about HD makes her so...wasstheword...slappable.
~ oh! and Li and I both bought another HOOJ mug from Disney. im starting a collection..i have 2 now. hee. s'wonderful. why use regular sized mugs when you can have a HOOJ one? exactly.
~moving day in kingston: was PAINFUL. i will never be able to figure out how THREE people managed to accumulate so much STUFF (i hesitate to use the word 'crap' cuz..theyre all invaluable possessions...ummm yes). so anyways, we rented a cargo van and made 4 FULL trips! boxes and boxes of our own individual stuff and then comes the furniture. so while we did take (a lot) of audrey's stuff with us, it still took us from 10 - 11ish AM till around 7:30 PM to finish moving everything into our new house, this doesnt even account for the fact that we did NO unpacking or rearranging of furniture..basically, we moved everything in and left. JOEL is fantastic! he drove back from TO to help us move and then drove back the next day. so very nice of him...we left him Lindt chocolate as (a sort of) payment :D
~ anyways, complications with one of the old tenats who hadnt moved out yet and lead to her thinking we were loud, obnoxious people who wanted to take over the apt before her lease was up; and us(me) thinking that she was a slob who hadnt even started packing yet and couldnt pick up after herself. yar...i tried to vacuum the place before the others started moving in the furniture but couldnt understand why there were SO many pieces of: clothes, garbage, decoration, misc lying around when she was to move out in a couple of days and shouldve been packing. so started throwing out the garbage and taking out the garbage bags in order to clean and make room for ALL of our stuff; was later informed that we (I) was infringing on her privacy since technically it was still her place. ok understandable from her perspective, but partially..i was thinking: ok but im cleaning YOUR house as youre living in it, how is THAT fair? if you knew that we were gonna be moving in, logically wouldnt you move your stuff out of the way? oh well, misunderstanding on communication i suppose. s'all over now
~ we have our house/apt!!! it has so much potential! theres a landing at the top of the stairs that we WILL be turning into cushion heaven, tho so far its been a storage place for boxes..and rather dusty and cobwebby.
~ enclosed alleyway is so fantastic since it usually means that we dont have to lock our door during the day. still have to meet our (townie) neighbours but theyve not been a problem thus far. rather loud at times (which im at present attributing to the hockey playoffs...), but bearable. will have to get used to the traffic noises outside my window (cuz we're located RIGHT in the heart of downtown kingston) but i'll categorize it as ambient noise(in my mind) and hopefully it'll not bother me too much in the future.
~ so the apt is still in a working state: there are boxes in odd places, furniture that needs to be turned upright, places that need to be wiped, and carpets that need to be deep cleaned..vacuumed...something process that i cant remember right now but ive been blathering on about for the past week! duno how they lived..its so gicky. the carpet turned 3 shades darker after i ran the vacuum over it several times. it was quite appalling. Ly rocks cuz she cleaned so much stuff already before i moved in (for spring term). so am now slowly rearranging my room, unpacking and cleaning other parts of the house. its a slow process.
~ things that are FABULOUS about our apt: our "neighbours" downstairs in the bistro. i went with Ly downstairs to the bistro to get our mail(cuz its delivered there for simplicity sake) and met one of the workers there. Michael: so very nice, friendly, gay, and FABULOUS. he is just so cute, if youve ever watched Sex and the City, he acts just like Standford Blatch. meeting him for the first time, he proceeded to tell Ly and I about his evening at the opera with his partner...richest people in kingston..yada yada...good food...yada yada...very talented singers...yada yada...and painted a very vivid picture of all the fabulous gowns and jewellery some of the women were wearing. as Ly said, he couldnt have made a better first impression/ put on a better show for me. i love him, he is fabulous :D
~ OUR LOCATION is absolutely unbelievable(i'd use fabulous again, but i think im exhausting the word)! we're SO close to everything. shoppers the literally across the street, as is zellers. business depot is down the street, food basics isnt too far from that. the hospital is one street behind us, in case Li falls down the flight of concrete stairs (knock on wood) ;P, and very yummy restaurants/eateries all around. i love it!! the only bad thing is that campus is a full 15 min walk at a brisk pace, and there is no free parking - so you park on the street and feed the meter, or park illegally and plead to the judge that you are a poor student and cant pay when you get ticketed :D Still have to figure out the bus route since it runs RIGHT by us and takes us to campus directly...but i have another month to go and with the gorgeous weather now, i'd rather walk.
~ Spring courses: one of my profs is so FANTASTIC. she explained stuff with such clarity that i wonder why she didnt teach during the fall/winter term. im very happy with her...should be a good course.
~ finally an econ prof that is NOT asian. hes pretty. young, tall, British :D ...without the accent but with english tendencies/phrases/examples. quite enjoyable.
~ Kingston in the Spring: WHAT is with all these lil highschoolers wandering around? im sure theyre here for some sorta program cuz they have this flourescent lanyard/keychain hanging from their pockets. annoying. well mostly cuz my classes are in maccory and the computers in there are always taken up by them such that i cant check my email in between breaks...hmm oh well. once again: why do the little girls look so skanky?? already! so sad. no older than 16 i would guess. it boggles the mind.
~ stupid insects! theyre like ants thatve developed wings and theyre EVERYWHERE! i guess its worse now cuz it just rained the night before but..yech! you never know where they are until you walk thru a whole column of them - flying around your head, and youre swatting the air like some mad woman. theres a good reason why ive never gone camping, nor have any real desire to. id get eaten alive. i loathe all those that i cant shoot dead with an arrow. bring on the pesticide.
~ been given the key to the boyz house and have been cleaning out their fridge! i know you guys read this! youre all insane..theres so much stuff in the freezer! but not much in the unless you were all planning to have a BBQ sometime mid-june, s'all gone. woulda sent out an email but well...lazy so you can learn about it here. *smile* the house is so empty..its so depressing. but at least you know no one's broken in! so yay! for you.
s'all for now. dont expect anything exciting much will be happening here anytime soon. will be back in TO for some weekends but other than that..need to clean/organize house and study! midterms are in 3 weeks..insanity! but yes, do email me cuz that will likely be the highlight of my day :P
Wednesday, April 21, 2004
oh. so theyre NAKED?!
hahaha! walking to my econ 7pm exam, i was greeted by an "awesome" sight: three streakers ran past the arena (where the exam was held). one was lagging behind the other two..poor guy, we were saying how he was gonna get caught - tho none of the security ppl made any move to run after them: "im not running after a bunch of streakers". haha the guard greeting us examinees was funny. hmm..i had no desire to lookit their giblets (hee Scrubs)... does that make me abnormal? "hmm right so im gonna look at my notes now" as they came closer. cool sunglasses tho- bright, orange, Oakleys, ShInY. others were black..something..meh...
well the ordeal was weird mostly cuz
-7pm!! uh..sunlight? boy they sure are proud of their bodies
-thats a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG road that they were running. where did they come from? no nearby buildings everywhere..i dont get it. mebbe they were out for a jog and got too hot?
-tho there never is a good occasion for streaking...why would they do that before the game? the Leafs didnt even win yet! no thats not even was just a weird time for them to streak.
sooooooooooooo...with THAT lovely thought running thru my head, i went in to write my exam.
heh. silly boys and their joysticks. you all amuse me so very much :D
hahaha! walking to my econ 7pm exam, i was greeted by an "awesome" sight: three streakers ran past the arena (where the exam was held). one was lagging behind the other two..poor guy, we were saying how he was gonna get caught - tho none of the security ppl made any move to run after them: "im not running after a bunch of streakers". haha the guard greeting us examinees was funny. hmm..i had no desire to lookit their giblets (hee Scrubs)... does that make me abnormal? "hmm right so im gonna look at my notes now" as they came closer. cool sunglasses tho- bright, orange, Oakleys, ShInY. others were black..something..meh...
well the ordeal was weird mostly cuz
-7pm!! uh..sunlight? boy they sure are proud of their bodies
-thats a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG road that they were running. where did they come from? no nearby buildings everywhere..i dont get it. mebbe they were out for a jog and got too hot?
-tho there never is a good occasion for streaking...why would they do that before the game? the Leafs didnt even win yet! no thats not even was just a weird time for them to streak.
sooooooooooooo...with THAT lovely thought running thru my head, i went in to write my exam.
heh. silly boys and their joysticks. you all amuse me so very much :D
Monday, April 19, 2004
oooo old songs. one hit wonders. gotta love them. doesnt help that i cant remember song titles, or singer names, or the time when they were a hit. i just know these songs. anyhooo....Donna Lewis: I love you always forever
Feels like I'm standing
in a timeless dream
of light mists
of pale amber rose
Feels like I'm lost in a deep cloud
of heavenly scent touching
discovering you.
Those days of warm rains
come rushing back to me
miles of windless summer night air
Secret moments shared
in the heat of the afternoon
out of the stillness
soft spoken words
say it say it again
I love you always forever
near and far closer together
everywhere I will be with you
everything I will do for you
You've got the most unbelievable
blue eyes I've ever seen
You've got me almost melting away
As we lay there under blue sky
with pure white stars
exotic sweetness a magical time
say it say it again
Say you'll love love me forever
never stop never whatever
near and far and always
and everywhere and everything
Feels like I'm standing
in a timeless dream
of light mists
of pale amber rose
Feels like I'm lost in a deep cloud
of heavenly scent touching
discovering you.
Those days of warm rains
come rushing back to me
miles of windless summer night air
Secret moments shared
in the heat of the afternoon
out of the stillness
soft spoken words
say it say it again
I love you always forever
near and far closer together
everywhere I will be with you
everything I will do for you
You've got the most unbelievable
blue eyes I've ever seen
You've got me almost melting away
As we lay there under blue sky
with pure white stars
exotic sweetness a magical time
say it say it again
Say you'll love love me forever
never stop never whatever
near and far and always
and everywhere and everything
Sunday, April 18, 2004
updating more this time 'round
ok so disturbing fetishes aside, this is just sick: BS in all her glory? or well, maybe not. while he does look feminine, he could prolly pull off the nick carter look (from backstreet boys). ah well too bad.
this is pretty damn interesting too: korean transgender who's HUGE right now and this is actually how she makes her living. ok for the record, im NOT closed minded but its just so very odd how accepted she is right now. dammit, she looks better than a REAL girl! although arguably, it is mostly cuz she WAS moulded and handcrafted by plastic surgeons. but still..thats just so wrong..
stupid msn messenger is PISSING me off. first it tells me to update to ver 6.1, then it refuses to automatically update, so i uninstalled 6.0 and am d/l from the site directly. freakn hell its taking WAY too long for the download. wassup with that!?! 20% in the last 10 min! and then have to reinstall everyting again..and why is it MANDATORY to install the newer version anyways??? what if i LIKE the old version?? how bout if im sentimental about these things and wanted to KEEP it?! blah who am i kidding, this better be worth my while. frick
and messed up my own computer. damn genius im telling you. well, started out with me running out of HD space (pfft, so waht else is new. i need my downloads, ALL of them) so i started deleting things ie programs. see, i figured, since i use media player to play all my dvds anyways, whats the point of having a program to have it play dvds SPECIFICALLY?? (intervideo? and another one). FRICKN, now some codec files are missing so Real player doesnt play and THAT means my freshly downloaded Sex and the City:season 4 WONT play cuz it ONLY plays with real player. so FRICK.
or well, perhaps its a blessing in disguise since this means i cant use it to procrastinate and watch ALL of it in one sitting. and will have to repair my mucked up computer (re: msn, codec, LOTS of other misc screwups, yada) AFTER exams, in which..i get to bug Alexer to fixy-fix (in exchange for the safe return of his precioussssss movies currently residing on my table, collecting dust ;P ) hee. no im not mean. FRICK. finding other means with which to procrastinate. will fail for sure.
study! macro! cant fail this(i know, conflicting thoughts eh?). nor that i think about it, i have ONE day to study for it??? hmm...Well, am currently drinking a HOOJ mugful of coffee in hopes of staying up tonite and working thru econ. lessee if it werks.
procrastinating now...laterz
ok so disturbing fetishes aside, this is just sick: BS in all her glory? or well, maybe not. while he does look feminine, he could prolly pull off the nick carter look (from backstreet boys). ah well too bad.
this is pretty damn interesting too: korean transgender who's HUGE right now and this is actually how she makes her living. ok for the record, im NOT closed minded but its just so very odd how accepted she is right now. dammit, she looks better than a REAL girl! although arguably, it is mostly cuz she WAS moulded and handcrafted by plastic surgeons. but still..thats just so wrong..
stupid msn messenger is PISSING me off. first it tells me to update to ver 6.1, then it refuses to automatically update, so i uninstalled 6.0 and am d/l from the site directly. freakn hell its taking WAY too long for the download. wassup with that!?! 20% in the last 10 min! and then have to reinstall everyting again..and why is it MANDATORY to install the newer version anyways??? what if i LIKE the old version?? how bout if im sentimental about these things and wanted to KEEP it?! blah who am i kidding, this better be worth my while. frick
and messed up my own computer. damn genius im telling you. well, started out with me running out of HD space (pfft, so waht else is new. i need my downloads, ALL of them) so i started deleting things ie programs. see, i figured, since i use media player to play all my dvds anyways, whats the point of having a program to have it play dvds SPECIFICALLY?? (intervideo? and another one). FRICKN, now some codec files are missing so Real player doesnt play and THAT means my freshly downloaded Sex and the City:season 4 WONT play cuz it ONLY plays with real player. so FRICK.
or well, perhaps its a blessing in disguise since this means i cant use it to procrastinate and watch ALL of it in one sitting. and will have to repair my mucked up computer (re: msn, codec, LOTS of other misc screwups, yada) AFTER exams, in which..i get to bug Alexer to fixy-fix (in exchange for the safe return of his precioussssss movies currently residing on my table, collecting dust ;P ) hee. no im not mean. FRICK. finding other means with which to procrastinate. will fail for sure.
study! macro! cant fail this(i know, conflicting thoughts eh?). nor that i think about it, i have ONE day to study for it??? hmm...Well, am currently drinking a HOOJ mugful of coffee in hopes of staying up tonite and working thru econ. lessee if it werks.
procrastinating now...laterz
updating! happy?! xP

Heart of Crystal
What is Your Heart REALLY Made of?
brought to you by Quizilla
macroeconomics = tues at 7pm (freakn hell)
stats = thurs
and then im DOOOOOOOONE!!!
till then, needa study. gonna fail. gonna get kicked out or put on academic probation. does that sound exhilarating??
hmm needa go pick up my work and find out what im going in their* with. stupid assn taking so stupid long to get stupidly marked.
*update: there. Apparently im losing my ability to spell too! dammit. good thing essay-based exams are over

Heart of Crystal
What is Your Heart REALLY Made of?
brought to you by Quizilla
macroeconomics = tues at 7pm (freakn hell)
stats = thurs
and then im DOOOOOOOONE!!!
till then, needa study. gonna fail. gonna get kicked out or put on academic probation. does that sound exhilarating??
hmm needa go pick up my work and find out what im going in their* with. stupid assn taking so stupid long to get stupidly marked.
*update: there. Apparently im losing my ability to spell too! dammit. good thing essay-based exams are over
Tuesday, April 13, 2004
time to update. it really has been awhile.
(point form cuz im LAZY)
- currently waiting for liane to get outta the bathroom cuz i forgot to take my contacts out while i was in there
- been working out at the gym: rowing machine and the eliptical (soemthing soemthing, i have no idea what that thing is called). getting better and not loosing my breath as soon; muscles dont hurt afterwards. good good
-staying here for the spring term. taking econ and english for 6 weeks. damn stupidness. elitist Queens doesnt believe in transferring marks, only the credit. WHO CARES?? i need my marks. was gonna take it at UT but nooooooooo i cant cuz it wont count for marks. and no correspondance either. well not for econ anyways so if thats the case, might as well stay here.
-want to participate in the Ontario Summer Games this july for archery. it'll be my last yr (21 and under). need to find some place here to practice. else it'd be hard core training when i get back mid-june
- what am i gonna do about job??? cant find a job here. "oh thanks for hiring me, and btw, i'll be leaving in about 6 weeks...and what with the last week being exam period and all, youll really only get me for 5 weeks. thanks again" yea.. no, thats not gonna work. finding a job when i get back to TO, then i gotta compete with all the lil highschoolers for retail jobs, or i can work as a waitress and pour stuff on people. whee. fun. "sorry sir, i REALLY didnt mean to pour the piping hot soup on you". riiight. great.
- trying so hard to concentrate and study for exams. drifting...mind wandering when i try to study. so really, i read a passage and drift off for about 15 min. how productive am I?? screwed. seeing a academics counsellor tmr so hopefully she can give me better tips on effective studying techniques.
- am REALLY enjoying these albums: Maroon 5 - songs about jane; nelly furtado - folklore; the italian job OST
- want to go to the castle but have a feeling that itll prolly be 3rd year summer if/when i go. and in that case, it'll be for just travelling purposes and will be taking bird courses so that i'll be eligible. mmmmmmmmmm english accents ;)
- watched "bend it like beckham" last night with Li and Ly and Em (every now and then). i was the only one who thought Joe (their coach) looked ugly, even when he appeared with the white shirt to their wedding celebration. just ew. squinty eyes and face? jaw? blah blah. i'll stop, im being mean. a brief shining moment however, during the end when he was in all white playing cricket with the father and the airplane motion. that was cute.
-> also found out a bit bout different english accents. tho i did know that there were class systems built around different accents. apparently every time we mimick an english accent, we are doing the..cockney (SP SP!) accent. so yar..interesting
moving on
- have found the BEST place to study in the library. stauffer. 3rd floor. its great. so quiet and enclosed in a little room so i can pretty much leave my stuff there without fear that someone can just grab it passing by. theres only a couple of people in there at a time and yea..seems very secure. HUGE windows, leather couches, these cushioned chairs with a lil desk dealy that swings out (think lecture hall seating). love the ambient sounds.
- recently acquired a laptop (retired. and with good reason). heres the kicker. TOTAL HD space: 2 gigs. nice eh? LOL. oh well, this restricts me and thats good. cant download anything but will allow for sufficient storage of mp3s (MUCHO IMPORTANTE ;), and applications. theres so much CRAP on it now and im just gonna reformat the entire thing. so annoying, will have to sift thru so much garbage to determine what files are important enough to floppy it. "oh in deleting stuff? use your best judgement and save waht you think looks important" HA! yea right. erasing everything it shall be. haha the deal was, if i buy a network card for it, i get to keep it for the remainder of my undergrad career. so i did, and i am. sweet deal. i like free things.
-G test coming up in may. after exams, will go back home and unlearn my bad habits with an instructor. i dont check my mirrors enough, or at all usually. you know how you just get the feeling that theres a car beside you? you look and sure enough, there it is. so whats the point. well i do check, usually on the highway cuz cars are approaching too fast.
- need to think up a good response for "whats up wit da whack, yo?" hee. funny. im so yellow. post if you have good suggestions.
- a good way to take out frustrations. heh, addictive. i only got to 500 (ish..forget..) one time.
s'it for now. sleep (hopefully). gym. study. i cant believe its only tues..feels like forever. and only another 1.5 weeks to go. time would pass by so much more quicker (quickly?) if it werent for the studying of exams. yick.
(point form cuz im LAZY)
- currently waiting for liane to get outta the bathroom cuz i forgot to take my contacts out while i was in there
- been working out at the gym: rowing machine and the eliptical (soemthing soemthing, i have no idea what that thing is called). getting better and not loosing my breath as soon; muscles dont hurt afterwards. good good
-staying here for the spring term. taking econ and english for 6 weeks. damn stupidness. elitist Queens doesnt believe in transferring marks, only the credit. WHO CARES?? i need my marks. was gonna take it at UT but nooooooooo i cant cuz it wont count for marks. and no correspondance either. well not for econ anyways so if thats the case, might as well stay here.
-want to participate in the Ontario Summer Games this july for archery. it'll be my last yr (21 and under). need to find some place here to practice. else it'd be hard core training when i get back mid-june
- what am i gonna do about job??? cant find a job here. "oh thanks for hiring me, and btw, i'll be leaving in about 6 weeks...and what with the last week being exam period and all, youll really only get me for 5 weeks. thanks again" yea.. no, thats not gonna work. finding a job when i get back to TO, then i gotta compete with all the lil highschoolers for retail jobs, or i can work as a waitress and pour stuff on people. whee. fun. "sorry sir, i REALLY didnt mean to pour the piping hot soup on you". riiight. great.
- trying so hard to concentrate and study for exams. drifting...mind wandering when i try to study. so really, i read a passage and drift off for about 15 min. how productive am I?? screwed. seeing a academics counsellor tmr so hopefully she can give me better tips on effective studying techniques.
- am REALLY enjoying these albums: Maroon 5 - songs about jane; nelly furtado - folklore; the italian job OST
- want to go to the castle but have a feeling that itll prolly be 3rd year summer if/when i go. and in that case, it'll be for just travelling purposes and will be taking bird courses so that i'll be eligible. mmmmmmmmmm english accents ;)
- watched "bend it like beckham" last night with Li and Ly and Em (every now and then). i was the only one who thought Joe (their coach) looked ugly, even when he appeared with the white shirt to their wedding celebration. just ew. squinty eyes and face? jaw? blah blah. i'll stop, im being mean. a brief shining moment however, during the end when he was in all white playing cricket with the father and the airplane motion. that was cute.
-> also found out a bit bout different english accents. tho i did know that there were class systems built around different accents. apparently every time we mimick an english accent, we are doing the..cockney (SP SP!) accent. so yar..interesting
moving on
- have found the BEST place to study in the library. stauffer. 3rd floor. its great. so quiet and enclosed in a little room so i can pretty much leave my stuff there without fear that someone can just grab it passing by. theres only a couple of people in there at a time and yea..seems very secure. HUGE windows, leather couches, these cushioned chairs with a lil desk dealy that swings out (think lecture hall seating). love the ambient sounds.
- recently acquired a laptop (retired. and with good reason). heres the kicker. TOTAL HD space: 2 gigs. nice eh? LOL. oh well, this restricts me and thats good. cant download anything but will allow for sufficient storage of mp3s (MUCHO IMPORTANTE ;), and applications. theres so much CRAP on it now and im just gonna reformat the entire thing. so annoying, will have to sift thru so much garbage to determine what files are important enough to floppy it. "oh in deleting stuff? use your best judgement and save waht you think looks important" HA! yea right. erasing everything it shall be. haha the deal was, if i buy a network card for it, i get to keep it for the remainder of my undergrad career. so i did, and i am. sweet deal. i like free things.
-G test coming up in may. after exams, will go back home and unlearn my bad habits with an instructor. i dont check my mirrors enough, or at all usually. you know how you just get the feeling that theres a car beside you? you look and sure enough, there it is. so whats the point. well i do check, usually on the highway cuz cars are approaching too fast.
- need to think up a good response for "whats up wit da whack, yo?" hee. funny. im so yellow. post if you have good suggestions.
- a good way to take out frustrations. heh, addictive. i only got to 500 (ish..forget..) one time.
s'it for now. sleep (hopefully). gym. study. i cant believe its only tues..feels like forever. and only another 1.5 weeks to go. time would pass by so much more quicker (quickly?) if it werent for the studying of exams. yick.
Sunday, April 4, 2004
Friday, April 2, 2004
"I can handle it, honest. No, I've had this much to drink before and been fine, dandy. Hang on ... No, I'm all right. Don't worry about it. I don't throw up when I'm drunk." Cue technicolor yawn, chunky pastel efluvia being expelled in rhythmic croaks and gushes.

What Kind of Drunk Are You?
Brought to you by Rum and Monkey
I can kill dogs. whee!

Take the Affliction Test Today!
A Rum and Monkey disease.

What Kind of Drunk Are You?
Brought to you by Rum and Monkey
I can kill dogs. whee!

Take the Affliction Test Today!
A Rum and Monkey disease.
Wednesday, March 31, 2004
Monday, March 29, 2004
Sunday, March 28, 2004
holy COW was it painful...and then it got more endurable...and near the end i couldnt find a good/less abrupt way to end it so i said screw it and concluded it the best way that seemed fit. heh. 12 pages + 2 sentences. 5:30AM. i rule :) so im free!!!!!!!!! until monday when i have to do my stats assn but thats worry for another day.
I LOVE MY FRIENDS. YOU ROCK MY SOCKS. ::grin:: I've had SO much support and encouragment from everyone during these last two weeks when ive been in complete agony over the stupid essay. im just grateful that everyone's still all talking to me after all my bitching and moaning and screaming (sometimes at them). even those who've endured me OVER MSN for crying out loud. i feel so very lucky and fortunate to have found you all. true, a lot of people will say "oh yea im your friend" but when it comes down to the heavy stuff, most will be like "ohh shes in one of THOSE moods", turn tail and walk away. not that i expected anyone to actually do, but it was touching to know that theyll go the extra mile and ASK how im doing, knowing FULL WELL that i'll start bitching again. so, thanks for ALL your suggestions and comments. thank you further for sharing my pain...well, your empathy was VERY MUCH appreciated. i feel loved. go you. :D
today was GOOD. went Yum Cha with family, went shopping for .5 hrs (before teh stores closed) and got a haircut! no...actually the haircut pissed me off. need to get a new stylist..or go to a new salon. stupid guy. the way i figure it, hairdressers CANT ASK for more than when the customer says: oh i feel bored with my hair soemthing different but not too drastic with it. idiot guy gave me the same style. cut off some hair, kept my length and refused to do more. i was like..ok what about some long bangs? short bangs? FINE can you just take off some more from the top/bottom cuz it doesnt feel/look any lighter. laziness said no to that too.."oh then itll be too poofy and your hair'll stick up". the fuck. so hes outlived his usefulness to me, must discard now. mebbe i'll try a salon run by white people next time...and fork over a lil more moola for a more different hairstyle. at the moment, gotta wait for more hair to grow back first
drank some chinese herbal medicine-y mixture..surprisingly sweet. i'll take it.
sleep now. as ive calculated..ive slept about 10 hrs in the last 36. go me.
holy COW was it painful...and then it got more endurable...and near the end i couldnt find a good/less abrupt way to end it so i said screw it and concluded it the best way that seemed fit. heh. 12 pages + 2 sentences. 5:30AM. i rule :) so im free!!!!!!!!! until monday when i have to do my stats assn but thats worry for another day.
I LOVE MY FRIENDS. YOU ROCK MY SOCKS. ::grin:: I've had SO much support and encouragment from everyone during these last two weeks when ive been in complete agony over the stupid essay. im just grateful that everyone's still all talking to me after all my bitching and moaning and screaming (sometimes at them). even those who've endured me OVER MSN for crying out loud. i feel so very lucky and fortunate to have found you all. true, a lot of people will say "oh yea im your friend" but when it comes down to the heavy stuff, most will be like "ohh shes in one of THOSE moods", turn tail and walk away. not that i expected anyone to actually do, but it was touching to know that theyll go the extra mile and ASK how im doing, knowing FULL WELL that i'll start bitching again. so, thanks for ALL your suggestions and comments. thank you further for sharing my pain...well, your empathy was VERY MUCH appreciated. i feel loved. go you. :D
today was GOOD. went Yum Cha with family, went shopping for .5 hrs (before teh stores closed) and got a haircut! no...actually the haircut pissed me off. need to get a new stylist..or go to a new salon. stupid guy. the way i figure it, hairdressers CANT ASK for more than when the customer says: oh i feel bored with my hair soemthing different but not too drastic with it. idiot guy gave me the same style. cut off some hair, kept my length and refused to do more. i was like..ok what about some long bangs? short bangs? FINE can you just take off some more from the top/bottom cuz it doesnt feel/look any lighter. laziness said no to that too.."oh then itll be too poofy and your hair'll stick up". the fuck. so hes outlived his usefulness to me, must discard now. mebbe i'll try a salon run by white people next time...and fork over a lil more moola for a more different hairstyle. at the moment, gotta wait for more hair to grow back first
drank some chinese herbal medicine-y mixture..surprisingly sweet. i'll take it.
sleep now. as ive calculated..ive slept about 10 hrs in the last 36. go me.
Thursday, March 25, 2004
im out of my rut. i researched some more stuff...looked up some some passages..i should be good to go. now, another all niter with this stupid essay and i will finally be rid of it once and for all. too bad it cost me so much. too bad i forgot how to write essays consisting of more than 5 pages. too bad i didnt start it earlier. then again..what else is new.
ive decided that i really need to go to those career centers, student services, study workshops, you know what im talking about..all those. i so have no idea what i want to do - next year, the rest of my depressing, but comfort in knowing that im not alone.
i am going to study at the library every day. no matter how few the hrs. 1 hr spent here is like...4 hrs spent at home. its just a waste of time there. i need/want to do well on my finals. ive gotten really good marks on my assn's, screwed up midterms (im sure, i still havnt picked them up yet..very scary), and so to redeem myself i will have to exceptional on finals. will study. make me study! (yes you, this is all on YOU). hmmm study buddies for the library? thatd be cool...or would that be more counterproductive?
anyways, have spent about 4 hrs now at Douglas library and am starving...tho shouldnt be..or who knows..still sick, sniffly, coughy, and now my eyes hurt-prolly from lack of sleep and also likely from staring at the puter screen.
hmm will stop by shoppers and buy another box of kleenex..its disgusting: i went thru close to half a box since yesterday afternoon. thats insanity. then..i am sick. 3 ply still doesnt cut it. feels like sandpaper. now so more then before.
going HOME tmr!!! 230 bus. cant wait. real food other than canned soup and pseudo meat. i want my mommy. odd, every time i end up sick i want my mom. a hug or a kiss or some weird chinese concoction she mixes up cures all. or mebbe its just the presence of MOM :) well, will see her soon.
homeward bound. shoppers, then food, then essay. you WILL be mine. grrr..
ive decided that i really need to go to those career centers, student services, study workshops, you know what im talking about..all those. i so have no idea what i want to do - next year, the rest of my depressing, but comfort in knowing that im not alone.
i am going to study at the library every day. no matter how few the hrs. 1 hr spent here is like...4 hrs spent at home. its just a waste of time there. i need/want to do well on my finals. ive gotten really good marks on my assn's, screwed up midterms (im sure, i still havnt picked them up yet..very scary), and so to redeem myself i will have to exceptional on finals. will study. make me study! (yes you, this is all on YOU). hmmm study buddies for the library? thatd be cool...or would that be more counterproductive?
anyways, have spent about 4 hrs now at Douglas library and am starving...tho shouldnt be..or who knows..still sick, sniffly, coughy, and now my eyes hurt-prolly from lack of sleep and also likely from staring at the puter screen.
hmm will stop by shoppers and buy another box of kleenex..its disgusting: i went thru close to half a box since yesterday afternoon. thats insanity. then..i am sick. 3 ply still doesnt cut it. feels like sandpaper. now so more then before.
going HOME tmr!!! 230 bus. cant wait. real food other than canned soup and pseudo meat. i want my mommy. odd, every time i end up sick i want my mom. a hug or a kiss or some weird chinese concoction she mixes up cures all. or mebbe its just the presence of MOM :) well, will see her soon.
homeward bound. shoppers, then food, then essay. you WILL be mine. grrr..
over at the guys house because ive decided that my room was just too depressing to write in. after staring at my computer screen for a whole week now without so much as written a paragraph, i decided to change the scenary...that is, i stole alex's laptop and relocated myself to: first the library and now at 530AM, in their living room. still all alone with everyone in the house fast asleep. hmm....blast the tv? nono thatd be too cruel, not everyone can do all niters.. hee. different company. and no evil bed calling me to it best of all.
commerce essay coming along swimmingly, still taking annoyingly longer than i had anticipated. well...this is the short comes the one ive been having writer's block over. i want to have it DONE!!! hate history. so many dam facts. the more you look, there more there is to look. crap.
anyways, back to work
commerce essay coming along swimmingly, still taking annoyingly longer than i had anticipated. well...this is the short comes the one ive been having writer's block over. i want to have it DONE!!! hate history. so many dam facts. the more you look, there more there is to look. crap.
anyways, back to work
Wednesday, March 24, 2004
neo citrin STILL rules you
showering now before it kicks in and i fall asleep in the washroom. find my cold, dead body frozen stuck to the stall the next day as kobuta comes in to pee. funny.
showering now before it kicks in and i fall asleep in the washroom. find my cold, dead body frozen stuck to the stall the next day as kobuta comes in to pee. funny.
Tuesday, March 23, 2004
Monday, March 22, 2004
NEVER eat speghetti out of a can. those "speghetti-o's" or whatever the hell...ewwwwww. and chef boyardee is starting to make me sick too. back to canned soup.
FRIIIIIIIICK!!! ahfuckwankbuggershittingassheadinahole. dammitall if im getting SICK. first it starts with a sore throat, lack of moisture in the air and sleeping and then waking up with a REALLY dry throat. usually clears away after drinking some water. NOPE. NOT TODAY. no change in situation even after drinking an OBSCENE amount of water! and now its worked its way thru my entire head such that im feeling shit-tay. fuzzy feeling in head, eyes that feel like its gonna pop out, and still a sore throat. and still impending essay. ah piss it.
i'll have them ALL killed (stolen allalan)

Which Historical Lunatic Are You?
From the fecund loins of Rum and Monkey.
You are Gaius Caesar Germanicus - better known as Caligula!
Third Emperor of Rome and ruler of one of the most powerful empires of all time, your common name means "little boots". Although you only reigned for four years, brief even by Roman standards, you still managed to garner a reputation as a cruel, extravagant and downright insane despot. Your father died in suspicious circumstances, you were not the intended heir, and one of your first acts as Emperor was to force the suicide of your father-in-law. Your sister Drusilla died that same year; faced with allegations that your relationship with her had been incestuous, you responded, bafflingly, by declaring her a god.
You revived a number of unpopular traditions, including auctions of properties left over from public shows. When a senator fell asleep at one such auction, you took each of his nods as bids, selling him 13 gladiators for a vast sum. You attempted to have your horse, Incitatus, made into a consul and hence one of the most powerful figures in Rome. It was granted a marble stable with jewels and a staff of servants. At one point you forced your comrade Macro to kill himself - in much the same vein as your father-in-law - accusing him of being his wife's pimp. You, of course, were having an affair with said wife at the time.
Things went from bad to worse. When supplies of condemned men ran short in the circus, you had innocent spectators dragged into the arena with the lions to fill their place. You claimed mastery of the sea by walking across a three-mile bridge of boats in the Bay of Naples; kissed the necks of your lovers, whispering sweet nothings like "This lovely neck will be chopped as soon as I say so,"; dallied with your sister's lover and made her pull her unborn child out of her womb prematurely. Towards the end of your reign, you had a golden statue of yourself made and dressed each day in the same clothes you yourself wore. When you eventually died, the terrified people of Rome refused to believe that such a cruel reign could ever end, and believed you to be alive for years afterwards.
haha: "you kissed the necks of your lovers, whispering sweet nothings like "This lovely neck will be chopped as soon as I say so" "- s'funny :D
NEVER eat speghetti out of a can. those "speghetti-o's" or whatever the hell...ewwwwww. and chef boyardee is starting to make me sick too. back to canned soup.
FRIIIIIIIICK!!! ahfuckwankbuggershittingassheadinahole. dammitall if im getting SICK. first it starts with a sore throat, lack of moisture in the air and sleeping and then waking up with a REALLY dry throat. usually clears away after drinking some water. NOPE. NOT TODAY. no change in situation even after drinking an OBSCENE amount of water! and now its worked its way thru my entire head such that im feeling shit-tay. fuzzy feeling in head, eyes that feel like its gonna pop out, and still a sore throat. and still impending essay. ah piss it.
i'll have them ALL killed (stolen allalan)

Which Historical Lunatic Are You?
From the fecund loins of Rum and Monkey.
You are Gaius Caesar Germanicus - better known as Caligula!
Third Emperor of Rome and ruler of one of the most powerful empires of all time, your common name means "little boots". Although you only reigned for four years, brief even by Roman standards, you still managed to garner a reputation as a cruel, extravagant and downright insane despot. Your father died in suspicious circumstances, you were not the intended heir, and one of your first acts as Emperor was to force the suicide of your father-in-law. Your sister Drusilla died that same year; faced with allegations that your relationship with her had been incestuous, you responded, bafflingly, by declaring her a god.
You revived a number of unpopular traditions, including auctions of properties left over from public shows. When a senator fell asleep at one such auction, you took each of his nods as bids, selling him 13 gladiators for a vast sum. You attempted to have your horse, Incitatus, made into a consul and hence one of the most powerful figures in Rome. It was granted a marble stable with jewels and a staff of servants. At one point you forced your comrade Macro to kill himself - in much the same vein as your father-in-law - accusing him of being his wife's pimp. You, of course, were having an affair with said wife at the time.
Things went from bad to worse. When supplies of condemned men ran short in the circus, you had innocent spectators dragged into the arena with the lions to fill their place. You claimed mastery of the sea by walking across a three-mile bridge of boats in the Bay of Naples; kissed the necks of your lovers, whispering sweet nothings like "This lovely neck will be chopped as soon as I say so,"; dallied with your sister's lover and made her pull her unborn child out of her womb prematurely. Towards the end of your reign, you had a golden statue of yourself made and dressed each day in the same clothes you yourself wore. When you eventually died, the terrified people of Rome refused to believe that such a cruel reign could ever end, and believed you to be alive for years afterwards.
haha: "you kissed the necks of your lovers, whispering sweet nothings like "This lovely neck will be chopped as soon as I say so" "- s'funny :D
Sunday, March 21, 2004
so ive come to sad conclusion that i may never be able to fall asleep with the presence of ANYONE else...huh..eeeeeenteresting. dammit..i had to get my mom's genes of sleeplessness. frick.
hmm is it any of my business? what was the point? if curiosity killed the cat, i wonder how many more lives i have left...?
SMOGGIES!!!!!!!!!! AHHH i miss the 80s
-SLEEPY. so very sleepy.
- listening to my playlist with C's newly d/l-ed songs. very random
- essay still haunting my every thought
-realize i dont get to rest till wed night when both ANOTHER essay and econ assn has been handed in
-extremely thirsty, not hungry tho which is weird
-DAMN britney for having catchy songs!
-DAMN her further for her prices! the HELL??? 500 bux to hear her wail? FRIIICK! i should drop out and become an "entertainer". screw school...who needs a brain when you can pay others to think for you?? (and screw you over..but thats besides the point)
-bitter.....confused........nostalgic (of simpler times)........sleepy.........?
so ive come to sad conclusion that i may never be able to fall asleep with the presence of ANYONE else...huh..eeeeeenteresting. dammit..i had to get my mom's genes of sleeplessness. frick.
hmm is it any of my business? what was the point? if curiosity killed the cat, i wonder how many more lives i have left...?
SMOGGIES!!!!!!!!!! AHHH i miss the 80s
-SLEEPY. so very sleepy.
- listening to my playlist with C's newly d/l-ed songs. very random
- essay still haunting my every thought
-realize i dont get to rest till wed night when both ANOTHER essay and econ assn has been handed in
-extremely thirsty, not hungry tho which is weird
-DAMN britney for having catchy songs!
-DAMN her further for her prices! the HELL??? 500 bux to hear her wail? FRIIICK! i should drop out and become an "entertainer". screw school...who needs a brain when you can pay others to think for you?? (and screw you over..but thats besides the point)
-bitter.....confused........nostalgic (of simpler times)........sleepy.........?
Saturday, March 20, 2004
random train of thoughts..will update as more come to me...and will blog about Eng "supa-semi" at some point...
well i must say, p.diddy sure knows how to remix songs. actually im not sure if he wrote this one; stole beat from Enya (i forget which song) and it didnt completely suck: Mario Winans - I Don't Wanna Know (Featuring P. Diddy)
"my baby dun mess around because he loves me so and this i know 'fo shor.....heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeya. heeeeeeya......"
aha!! outkast finished transferring! thanks to rob! stupid corrupted files.
~forgot to say anything about my "stalker" last night at semi. hee...twas funny. he was a (as kobuta put it) "gimpy little fellow", asian, head shaved, and yea-high. the only reason i took attention was cuz he kept hanging around us while we were on the dance floor and then followed us back to table and hung around. actually he did a lot of hanging around various people as well. hee..funny.
~and..whilst rummaging thru Em and marges closets for clothes to wear for this (took a revolting 2 hrs -ish), have stumbled upon realization that i look GOOD in mini skirts. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm skankified. most excellent :D haha paired with my boots, i looked exactly like those coming out of Stages (club nearby here), that and also the fact it made my legs look really long; so at 5'5 (dammit, measured today with kobuta's measuring tape), its pretty darn exciting. yay for the invention of stiletto heels --> leading to really high (less treacherous) heels. have current urge to go buy one for myself knowing full well that i'll prolly NEVER wear it cuz well..i have a tendency to buy skirts and never wear them.
--> "Shake it, shake it, shake, shake it, shake it, shake it (OHH OH) Shake it, shake it like a Polaroid "
~still essaying for econ . (exciting isnt it?) freakn hell...ive soo many books that i forgot where i read my info and now have to reread/hunt all of it again. damn!
well i must say, p.diddy sure knows how to remix songs. actually im not sure if he wrote this one; stole beat from Enya (i forget which song) and it didnt completely suck: Mario Winans - I Don't Wanna Know (Featuring P. Diddy)
"my baby dun mess around because he loves me so and this i know 'fo shor.....heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeya. heeeeeeya......"
aha!! outkast finished transferring! thanks to rob! stupid corrupted files.
~forgot to say anything about my "stalker" last night at semi. hee...twas funny. he was a (as kobuta put it) "gimpy little fellow", asian, head shaved, and yea-high. the only reason i took attention was cuz he kept hanging around us while we were on the dance floor and then followed us back to table and hung around. actually he did a lot of hanging around various people as well. hee..funny.
~and..whilst rummaging thru Em and marges closets for clothes to wear for this (took a revolting 2 hrs -ish), have stumbled upon realization that i look GOOD in mini skirts. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm skankified. most excellent :D haha paired with my boots, i looked exactly like those coming out of Stages (club nearby here), that and also the fact it made my legs look really long; so at 5'5 (dammit, measured today with kobuta's measuring tape), its pretty darn exciting. yay for the invention of stiletto heels --> leading to really high (less treacherous) heels. have current urge to go buy one for myself knowing full well that i'll prolly NEVER wear it cuz well..i have a tendency to buy skirts and never wear them.
--> "Shake it, shake it, shake, shake it, shake it, shake it (OHH OH) Shake it, shake it like a Polaroid "
~still essaying for econ . (exciting isnt it?) freakn hell...ive soo many books that i forgot where i read my info and now have to reread/hunt all of it again. damn!
Wednesday, March 17, 2004
AHA!!! i found it! finally! stupid lil bugga
from Vanessa Mae's cd Storm, there was a piece entitled "bach street prelude" in which she just butchered the song. however much i love vanessa mae -what with her techno infused classical music - this was just bad judgement on her part. the random cats and dogs and barnyard animals in the song?? i think not. anyways, have FINALLY found the original song (hee..thanks alex! perusing your computer IS good for me:) entitled: bach - Lute suite no. 4 prelude. most FABULOUS :D
oh and vivaldi's four seasons -summer is also redone by VM. it's pretty cool but i like the original version better.
*will update more later...classes get in the way
so yea..essay. still not done. 12 pages suck when you have no material (or motive) to write it. dammit..reminiscing about HS when i actually cared about homework, extracurriculars, and generally furthering myself...what happened to that?? who knows...i dont even think ive done enough for it to be considered "academic burnout". this is insane..
speaking of thinking about going to the castle (in england) for the summer. will have to take summer courses, and so why not in a different setting? seems perfect. apparently if i take courses in UT, they dont transfer over here to Queens. ah sucky..will have to verify it further - mebbe undergrad coordinator was on crack? lets hope so. anyways, then im thinking..the change of scenery might actually be distracting? what if i just spend all of my time being a tourist and not so much with teh studying? wow, thatd be quite an expensive "vacation". hmmm doesnt seem wise for me to risk it: to go and find out.
in that case, will need to decide if i wanna stay here all summer and find a job here..for 4 i can pretty much spend my entire year here. ah geez, thats depressing. have till May to figure everything out
C is here all week. leaving friday. wow march break. those were the days (more with the reminiscing). i think shes enjoying herself. going to my housemates' classes, exploring the campus, watching every movie we have on the network, junk fooding herself crazy. s'all good. and stewpid A has already given her a nickname upon first encounter. we'll not get into that...its already spreading
moving on now...
friday is "supa-semi" for the engineers... so of course im going as are most of my other housemates . should be fun, cool, different. all 4 years (engineers) are there.. .so oooooooo upper years ;) haha (shhhhhh...). sat is girls night out? finally? with S organizing and a bunch of other girls coming/going?
oh yea! recently acquired Love Actually. ooo i lurve it! well i lurved it the first time thru. so much randomness: nudity, british words, plot lines. s'great! will have to make H watch it :D
*ooo needa d/l subtitle dealy...portugese parts within movie..hmmm...
Sammi - no idea what the title is....chinese..
maroon 5 - this love
vanessa mae - aurora, storm
lotsa random others
*oh bugger!! was gonna bake a chocolate brick for A! crapulence...mebbe thurs...ok more motive to finish damned essay. 12 pages here we go! *
from Vanessa Mae's cd Storm, there was a piece entitled "bach street prelude" in which she just butchered the song. however much i love vanessa mae -what with her techno infused classical music - this was just bad judgement on her part. the random cats and dogs and barnyard animals in the song?? i think not. anyways, have FINALLY found the original song (hee..thanks alex! perusing your computer IS good for me:) entitled: bach - Lute suite no. 4 prelude. most FABULOUS :D
oh and vivaldi's four seasons -summer is also redone by VM. it's pretty cool but i like the original version better.
*will update more later...classes get in the way
so yea..essay. still not done. 12 pages suck when you have no material (or motive) to write it. dammit..reminiscing about HS when i actually cared about homework, extracurriculars, and generally furthering myself...what happened to that?? who knows...i dont even think ive done enough for it to be considered "academic burnout". this is insane..
speaking of thinking about going to the castle (in england) for the summer. will have to take summer courses, and so why not in a different setting? seems perfect. apparently if i take courses in UT, they dont transfer over here to Queens. ah sucky..will have to verify it further - mebbe undergrad coordinator was on crack? lets hope so. anyways, then im thinking..the change of scenery might actually be distracting? what if i just spend all of my time being a tourist and not so much with teh studying? wow, thatd be quite an expensive "vacation". hmmm doesnt seem wise for me to risk it: to go and find out.
in that case, will need to decide if i wanna stay here all summer and find a job here..for 4 i can pretty much spend my entire year here. ah geez, thats depressing. have till May to figure everything out
C is here all week. leaving friday. wow march break. those were the days (more with the reminiscing). i think shes enjoying herself. going to my housemates' classes, exploring the campus, watching every movie we have on the network, junk fooding herself crazy. s'all good. and stewpid A has already given her a nickname upon first encounter. we'll not get into that...its already spreading
moving on now...
friday is "supa-semi" for the engineers... so of course im going as are most of my other housemates . should be fun, cool, different. all 4 years (engineers) are there.. .so oooooooo upper years ;) haha (shhhhhh...). sat is girls night out? finally? with S organizing and a bunch of other girls coming/going?
oh yea! recently acquired Love Actually. ooo i lurve it! well i lurved it the first time thru. so much randomness: nudity, british words, plot lines. s'great! will have to make H watch it :D
*ooo needa d/l subtitle dealy...portugese parts within movie..hmmm...
Sammi - no idea what the title is....chinese..
maroon 5 - this love
vanessa mae - aurora, storm
lotsa random others
*oh bugger!! was gonna bake a chocolate brick for A! crapulence...mebbe thurs...ok more motive to finish damned essay. 12 pages here we go! *
Monday, March 15, 2004
Saturday, March 13, 2004
more quizzes cuz im bored, procrastinating, browsing others bloggies. so....ONWARDS! yo ho!

find your inner PIE @

Take the 100 Acre Personality Quiz! oo interesting...
what i do when im bored:
Liane = Lianderz
Alex= Alexer
(i like adding 'er' to things!!!! BACK OFF :)
1) Katy Rose - Lemon
2) Norah Jones - Feelin' the same way
3) S Club 7 - The colour of blue
4) Justin Timberlake - Rock your body
5) George Harrison - My sweet lord
6) Eric Clapton - All your love
7) Faye Wong - Wish you are here
8) Michelle Branch - One of these days
9) Norah Jones - Come away with me
10) Utada Hikaru - Can you keep a secret?
11) Faye Wong - Only like a stranger
12) Linkin Park - Numb
13) Clay Aiken - Invisible
14) Sarah McLachlan - Dirty little secret
15) Limp Bizkit - Rollin'
16) Jackie DeShannon - What the world needs now is love
17) Fefe Dobson - Everything
18) Dido - Who makes you fee
19) Shanice & Jon Secada (from Pocahontas) - If i never knew you
20) Linkin Park - Faint

find your inner PIE @

Take the 100 Acre Personality Quiz!
what i do when im bored:
Liane = Lianderz
Alex= Alexer
(i like adding 'er' to things!!!! BACK OFF :)
1) Katy Rose - Lemon
2) Norah Jones - Feelin' the same way
3) S Club 7 - The colour of blue
4) Justin Timberlake - Rock your body
5) George Harrison - My sweet lord
6) Eric Clapton - All your love
7) Faye Wong - Wish you are here
8) Michelle Branch - One of these days
9) Norah Jones - Come away with me
10) Utada Hikaru - Can you keep a secret?
11) Faye Wong - Only like a stranger
12) Linkin Park - Numb
13) Clay Aiken - Invisible
14) Sarah McLachlan - Dirty little secret
15) Limp Bizkit - Rollin'
16) Jackie DeShannon - What the world needs now is love
17) Fefe Dobson - Everything
18) Dido - Who makes you fee
19) Shanice & Jon Secada (from Pocahontas) - If i never knew you
20) Linkin Park - Faint
completely pointless test:

The Completely Pointless Personality Quiz
this means im...punctual? always late? have a penchant to remember dates? erm who knows. your turn.
on the downside:
-essay!!! 12 pages! research! due monday! ahh! blarkers...
-have urge to go outside
-3 more assn's before EXAMS. yucky
-may have to stay here for spring term to take courses cuz stupid courses wont transfer over if i take it at UofT.
-didn't know 3 days can seem so long w/o a certain quelqu'un
"apparently it hurts when she makes whizzie-winkle through her seabiscuit. " haha..Scrubs.
"why are you so happy? did you do something slutty?
- im not THAT happy." hehehe gilmore girls
there will be more. oh yes.
aside: using table cream instead of milk for coffee or tea makes it really sweet. so i should lighten up on my sugar. or....hmm *ponder ponder*...maybe not.

The Completely Pointless Personality Quiz
this means im...punctual? always late? have a penchant to remember dates? erm who knows. your turn.
on the downside:
-essay!!! 12 pages! research! due monday! ahh! blarkers...
-have urge to go outside
-3 more assn's before EXAMS. yucky
-may have to stay here for spring term to take courses cuz stupid courses wont transfer over if i take it at UofT.
-didn't know 3 days can seem so long w/o a certain quelqu'un
"apparently it hurts when she makes whizzie-winkle through her seabiscuit. " haha..Scrubs.
"why are you so happy? did you do something slutty?
- im not THAT happy." hehehe gilmore girls
there will be more. oh yes.
aside: using table cream instead of milk for coffee or tea makes it really sweet. so i should lighten up on my sugar. or....hmm *ponder ponder*...maybe not.
Thursday, March 11, 2004
Drinking coffee lowers diabetes risk, study confirms
MONTREAL - Drinking coffee may help prevent Type 2 diabetes, according to a large-scale study in Finland, where the coffee consumption is among the highest in the world.
The 12-year study of more than 13,000 healthy men and women suggests the more coffee you drink, the greater the protection against Type 2 diabetes.
Coffee is the most consumed beverage in the world, and Finns drink more per capita than any other nationality, according to international statistics. The Finnish typically drink filtered coffee with little or no milk, the researchers said.
Participants filled out a questionnaire on their medical history, socioeconomic factors such as education, physical activity, smoking status, and alcohol, coffee and tea consumption.
Drinking three to four cups of coffee a day was associated with a 28 per cent reduced risk of diabetes. Drinking 10 cups a day cut the risk by 79 per cent in women and 55 per cent in men.
In the study in the March 10 issue of The Journal of the American Medical Association, Dr. Jaakko Tuomilehto, of the National Public Health Institute in Helsinki, and colleagues don't explain the association, although they suggest something other than caffeine is behind it.
"Maybe it has effects at the level of the liver, which might inhibit the liver from producing glucose," said nutrition researcher Dr. R?jeanne Gougeon of the McGill University Health Centre.
Scientists know caffeine stimulates pancreatic cells to secrete insulin, the body's blood glucose regulator. Since people with Type 2 diabetes do not produce enough insulin, glucose remains in the blood vessels and can eventually cause damage.
Marc Aras of Diabetes Quebec worries the study could mislead people into thinking coffee is all that's needed to prevent diabetes.
"It's a very complex disease," said Aras. "To avoid something of this complexity, you have to do whatever you have to do in your life and not limit yourself to only one quick fix."
It's long been established that good nutrition, weight control and exercise are the best ways to prevent diabetes. The coffee effect might prove to be a healthy bonus from the daily jolt.
i can consume sugar and drink coffee!!
Drinking coffee lowers diabetes risk, study confirms
MONTREAL - Drinking coffee may help prevent Type 2 diabetes, according to a large-scale study in Finland, where the coffee consumption is among the highest in the world.
The 12-year study of more than 13,000 healthy men and women suggests the more coffee you drink, the greater the protection against Type 2 diabetes.
Coffee is the most consumed beverage in the world, and Finns drink more per capita than any other nationality, according to international statistics. The Finnish typically drink filtered coffee with little or no milk, the researchers said.
Participants filled out a questionnaire on their medical history, socioeconomic factors such as education, physical activity, smoking status, and alcohol, coffee and tea consumption.
Drinking three to four cups of coffee a day was associated with a 28 per cent reduced risk of diabetes. Drinking 10 cups a day cut the risk by 79 per cent in women and 55 per cent in men.
In the study in the March 10 issue of The Journal of the American Medical Association, Dr. Jaakko Tuomilehto, of the National Public Health Institute in Helsinki, and colleagues don't explain the association, although they suggest something other than caffeine is behind it.
"Maybe it has effects at the level of the liver, which might inhibit the liver from producing glucose," said nutrition researcher Dr. R?jeanne Gougeon of the McGill University Health Centre.
Scientists know caffeine stimulates pancreatic cells to secrete insulin, the body's blood glucose regulator. Since people with Type 2 diabetes do not produce enough insulin, glucose remains in the blood vessels and can eventually cause damage.
Marc Aras of Diabetes Quebec worries the study could mislead people into thinking coffee is all that's needed to prevent diabetes.
"It's a very complex disease," said Aras. "To avoid something of this complexity, you have to do whatever you have to do in your life and not limit yourself to only one quick fix."
It's long been established that good nutrition, weight control and exercise are the best ways to prevent diabetes. The coffee effect might prove to be a healthy bonus from the daily jolt.
i can consume sugar and drink coffee!!
new entry under "blogs i read". welcome to my world Smallfat!
ahhh sweet sweet procrastination *SMILE*
new entry under "blogs i read". welcome to my world Smallfat!
ahhh sweet sweet procrastination *SMILE*
CAFFEINE overload. :D
am pulling an all niter and for the first time in a LONG time, i do not feel sleepy. it's my second wind. im lurving it. yippeeeee!
up all nite cuz: stats assn. yuck. otherwise, it wouldve been such a loverly evening. ah well too bad. least i know this time i can finish my assn..provided that i understand the material. we'll see
macro econ was a bitch. does it work that the text AND the course notes NOT have info leading us to the answers for the assn?? such stupidness. anyhoo...moving on...
love it when there are others to stay up with me. hee shrad and alan are both up. whee!! the best conversations occur in the dead (live?) of the night :D
"you are, without doubt, the worse pirate ive ever heard of." "but. you have heard of me" hehehe POTC is the best movie. once again, too bad jonny depp didnt win oscar. that wouldve ROCKED
mmm CORN. learnt new way to make it!!! thanks marge! those bags of frozen corn kernals are da bomb (hee). throw some into a bowl, nuke it, stick some butta in and its good to go! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yummers :D
another recent discovery: Five Alive juice - mango flavour. SO. GOOD. c'mon, mango! enough said.
hmm.....stats-ing now. gotta get back. mebbe update again later..err..earlier...err..whatever..
CAFFEINE overload. :D
am pulling an all niter and for the first time in a LONG time, i do not feel sleepy. it's my second wind. im lurving it. yippeeeee!
up all nite cuz: stats assn. yuck. otherwise, it wouldve been such a loverly evening. ah well too bad. least i know this time i can finish my assn..provided that i understand the material. we'll see
macro econ was a bitch. does it work that the text AND the course notes NOT have info leading us to the answers for the assn?? such stupidness. anyhoo...moving on...
love it when there are others to stay up with me. hee shrad and alan are both up. whee!! the best conversations occur in the dead (live?) of the night :D
"you are, without doubt, the worse pirate ive ever heard of." "but. you have heard of me
mmm CORN. learnt new way to make it!!! thanks marge! those bags of frozen corn kernals are da bomb (hee). throw some into a bowl, nuke it, stick some butta in and its good to go! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yummers :D
another recent discovery: Five Alive juice - mango flavour. SO. GOOD. c'mon, mango! enough said.
hmm.....stats-ing now. gotta get back. mebbe update again later..err..earlier...err..whatever..
Wednesday, March 10, 2004
Monday, March 8, 2004
i think my speech has gotten considerably less coherent in the past couple of weeks. i have no idea why either. could it be that those surrounding me understand my "noises", aimless ramblings, and utterly inarticulate mumblings? perhaps it's an unconscious encouragement and ive worsened because of it. confirmed when my two translators cant even understand me at certain times during the day. or maybe i should wave that as me being hopped -up on caffeine and actually talking WAY too fast to be understood by ANYONE. that would be less unnerving i suppose...
hmm hope i can still write properly, i do have an essay coming up and cant afford to be incoherent on that. goodness knows the topic itself is confusing enough.
hmm hope i can still write properly, i do have an essay coming up and cant afford to be incoherent on that. goodness knows the topic itself is confusing enough.
Sunday, March 7, 2004
stolen (xravenx)
and/or COFFEE!! wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
and then i also got this..
ooo dirty
went to see MASTER AND COMMANDER today at the schools theatre (3 bux! yay) and it was good. lotsa techinical ship talk but you get the gist of it anyways. good movie, will have to watch again cuz well, russel crow = mumblings + accent therefore dont understand as well the first time 'round. go watch! nownownow.
jackie deshannon~ What the world needs now is love (!!!!)
ani difranco (and Aretha franklin) ~ i say a little prayer
katy rose ~ lemon
![]() I am a subtle flavour, quiet and polite, gentle, almost ambient. My presence in crowds will often go unnoticed. Best not to spill me on your clothes though, I can leave a nasty stain. What Flavour Are You? |
and/or COFFEE!! wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
![]() I am popular in the workplace, even though I am often bitter. I am energetic to the point of being frenetic; buzz buzz, out of my way. I tend to overwork myself and need periods of recovery time. What Flavour Are You? |
and then i also got this..
![]() I am sweet and a little bit naughty. I am one of the few clinically proven aphrodisiacs. Sometimes I can seem a little hard, but show warmth and I soon melt. What Flavour Are You? |
ooo dirty
went to see MASTER AND COMMANDER today at the schools theatre (3 bux! yay) and it was good. lotsa techinical ship talk but you get the gist of it anyways. good movie, will have to watch again cuz well, russel crow = mumblings + accent therefore dont understand as well the first time 'round. go watch! nownownow.
jackie deshannon~ What the world needs now is love (!!!!)
ani difranco (and Aretha franklin) ~ i say a little prayer
katy rose ~ lemon