Sunday, March 21, 2004

so ive come to sad conclusion that i may never be able to fall asleep with the presence of ANYONE else...huh..eeeeeenteresting. dammit..i had to get my mom's genes of sleeplessness. frick.


hmm is it any of my business? what was the point? if curiosity killed the cat, i wonder how many more lives i have left...?

SMOGGIES!!!!!!!!!! AHHH i miss the 80s

-SLEEPY. so very sleepy.
- listening to my playlist with C's newly d/l-ed songs. very random
- essay still haunting my every thought
-realize i dont get to rest till wed night when both ANOTHER essay and econ assn has been handed in
-extremely thirsty, not hungry tho which is weird
-DAMN britney for having catchy songs!
-DAMN her further for her prices! the HELL??? 500 bux to hear her wail? FRIIICK! i should drop out and become an "entertainer". screw school...who needs a brain when you can pay others to think for you?? (and screw you over..but thats besides the point)
-bitter.....confused........nostalgic (of simpler times)........sleepy.........?

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