time to update. it really has been awhile.
(point form cuz im LAZY)
- currently waiting for liane to get outta the bathroom cuz i forgot to take my contacts out while i was in there
- been working out at the gym: rowing machine and the eliptical (soemthing soemthing, i have no idea what that thing is called). getting better and not loosing my breath as soon; muscles dont hurt afterwards. good good
-staying here for the spring term. taking econ and english for 6 weeks. damn stupidness. elitist Queens doesnt believe in transferring marks, only the credit. WHO CARES?? i need my marks. was gonna take it at UT but nooooooooo i cant cuz it wont count for marks. and no correspondance either. well not for econ anyways so if thats the case, might as well stay here.
-want to participate in the Ontario Summer Games this july for archery. it'll be my last yr (21 and under). need to find some place here to practice. else it'd be hard core training when i get back mid-june
- what am i gonna do about job??? cant find a job here. "oh thanks for hiring me, and btw, i'll be leaving in about 6 weeks...and what with the last week being exam period and all, youll really only get me for 5 weeks. thanks again" yea.. no, thats not gonna work. finding a job when i get back to TO, then i gotta compete with all the lil highschoolers for retail jobs, or i can work as a waitress and pour stuff on people. whee. fun. "sorry sir, i REALLY didnt mean to pour the piping hot soup on you". riiight. great.
- trying so hard to concentrate and study for exams. drifting...mind wandering when i try to study. so really, i read a passage and drift off for about 15 min. how productive am I?? screwed. seeing a academics counsellor tmr so hopefully she can give me better tips on effective studying techniques.
- am REALLY enjoying these albums: Maroon 5 - songs about jane; nelly furtado - folklore; the italian job OST
- want to go to the castle but have a feeling that itll prolly be 3rd year summer if/when i go. and in that case, it'll be for just travelling purposes and will be taking bird courses so that i'll be eligible. mmmmmmmmmm english accents ;)
- watched "bend it like beckham" last night with Li and Ly and Em (every now and then). i was the only one who thought Joe (their coach) looked ugly, even when he appeared with the white shirt to their wedding celebration. just ew. squinty eyes and kinda...horse face? jaw? blah blah. i'll stop, im being mean. a brief shining moment however, during the end when he was in all white playing cricket with the father and the airplane motion. that was cute.
-> also found out a bit bout different english accents. tho i did know that there were class systems built around different accents. apparently every time we mimick an english accent, we are doing the..cockney (SP SP!) accent. so yar..interesting
moving on
- have found the BEST place to study in the library. stauffer. 3rd floor. its great. so quiet and enclosed in a little room so i can pretty much leave my stuff there without fear that someone can just grab it passing by. theres only a couple of people in there at a time and yea..seems very secure. HUGE windows, leather couches, these cushioned chairs with a lil desk dealy that swings out (think lecture hall seating). love the ambient sounds.
- recently acquired a laptop (retired. and with good reason). heres the kicker. TOTAL HD space: 2 gigs. nice eh? LOL. oh well, this restricts me and thats good. cant download anything but will allow for sufficient storage of mp3s (MUCHO IMPORTANTE ;), and applications. theres so much CRAP on it now and im just gonna reformat the entire thing. so annoying, will have to sift thru so much garbage to determine what files are important enough to floppy it. "oh in deleting stuff? use your best judgement and save waht you think looks important" HA! yea right. erasing everything it shall be. haha the deal was, if i buy a network card for it, i get to keep it for the remainder of my undergrad career. so i did, and i am. sweet deal. i like free things.
-G test coming up in may. after exams, will go back home and unlearn my bad habits with an instructor. i dont check my mirrors enough, or at all usually. you know how you just get the feeling that theres a car beside you? you look and sure enough, there it is. so whats the point. well i do check, usually on the highway cuz cars are approaching too fast.
- need to think up a good response for "whats up wit da whack, yo?" hee. funny. im so yellow. post if you have good suggestions.
- a good way to take out frustrations. heh, addictive. i only got to 500 (ish..forget..) one time.
s'it for now. sleep (hopefully). gym. study. i cant believe its only tues..feels like forever. and only another 1.5 weeks to go. time would pass by so much more quicker (quickly?) if it werent for the studying of exams. yick.
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