Saturday, March 13, 2004

completely pointless test:

The Completely Pointless Personality Quiz
The Completely Pointless Personality Quiz

this means im...punctual? always late? have a penchant to remember dates? erm who knows. your turn.

on the downside:
-essay!!! 12 pages! research! due monday! ahh! blarkers...
-have urge to go outside
-3 more assn's before EXAMS. yucky
-may have to stay here for spring term to take courses cuz stupid courses wont transfer over if i take it at UofT.
-didn't know 3 days can seem so long w/o a certain quelqu'un

"apparently it hurts when she makes whizzie-winkle through her seabiscuit. " haha..Scrubs.

"why are you so happy? did you do something slutty?
- im not THAT happy." hehehe gilmore girls

there will be more. oh yes.

aside: using table cream instead of milk for coffee or tea makes it really sweet. so i should lighten up on my sugar. or....hmm *ponder ponder*...maybe not.

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