Tuesday, October 28, 2003

What i shouldnt be doing:

You are Captain Crackers!
You are Arvin Sloane

Which Member of the Alias SpyGang are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
*inspired by C

I wonder what it is that i desire? what good is life if you cant play mind games with/to others? ;)

What i should be doing: studying for ECON!!!! dammit. that is my course, my curse. and i chose it

Monday, October 27, 2003

OUR LADY PEACE CDs!!! wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Went to the Cat. centre (the "biggest" mall, here in kingston) saturday with liane and lydia and got CDs :D Sunrise records were doing a sale whereby you can get two cds for 20 bux. what a deal. so i got two of OLP cds that ive been eyeing for quite some time now but nvr wanted to fork over 17 bux. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! SO HAPPY! got both of the ones that i wanted: CLUMSY and HAPPINESS IS NOT A FISH YOU CAN CATCH. good, solid, angry music. ::thumbs-up sign:: oh yeah baby.

am feeling some pent up anger these days. im not sure what is causing it. it tends to come and go. you'll be happy to know that it GOES when im around ppl but when im alone...it builds up again. i duno what it is, a mixture of different things i suppose...or could very well have started because ive done poorly in midterms. but then, i havnt gotten them back yet. so who knows

have d/l-ed the merriam webster toolbar it is SO useful. i love it. of course, it could be cuz i go to their page several times a day to look up words. but it's still very handy to have and very minimal hassle in terms of the installing and whatnot. i highly recommend it. sayz it has problems with the google toolbar if you have it but i dont so..if you do, sux to be you.

oh ya, went to see Kill Bill . oh so satisfyingly gory. it's a little odd and excessively violent but only if youve never seen a Quentin Tarantino film (Pulp fiction), otherwise...meh
it got so violent it was actually comical after awhile, as mike puts it "everyone was pressurized in that movie" since whenever a limb was cut off, blood would shoot out like water from a fire hose. oo it was funny..some audience members were a little disgusted and/or shocked i think cuz there were silences sometimes when i was laughing. but those people are weak and scare too easily and should be avoided at all costs in case their oddness rubs off on us. the sword scenes were cool! especially this particular scene where Thurman slices a man cleanly in half - i mean from top to bottom and not through the torso. the second volume comes out next year Feb...well dammit.
this was right after she sliced off a guys head ;)

(*ooo these would make awesome display pictures or emoticons.. *)

on my wish list (but soon to be acquired):
the iRiver cd/mp3 player SlimX 550 . isnt it pretty? but dammit, that 179.99 is in US funds. ah well, still relatively cheap compared to sony products. I WANT. for those long treks to and from school, so i can listen to my angry music and ponder why im such an utter failure at everything as well as contemplate the gruesome death of some/certain people. i'll tell you they deserve what's coming to them.

have another (my last) midterm Tues. Micro Econ. oh bother..i've not studied for it yet, so it'll be another cram session tmr night. no surprises there. mmmmmmmmmm French Vanilla, YOURE MINE! muwhahaha...
it's worth 30% of my grade. hope i dont fail. stupidness, it's all equations this yr. the hell?? we never had to apply the equations we learn last yr, i like reading! blah, math and a plethora of equations to memorize. consumerism sux, why does it have to be so complex and full of equations??!

Then there's the COMM project that i have to worry about. sure there's 5 other people, sure they give us a whole sem to do it, sure it's "supposed" to be easy. yea. right. what a freakin' pain in the a$$. soo not worth the trouble and stupid, cheery prof-who-doesnt-object-to-anything-and-lets-that-ANNOYING-GIRL-speak-everytime doesnt tell us anything in terms of how to find the info or how accurate he wants it. so what. are we supposed to make up these facts?? or does he want us to actually go out and find and make accurate predictions about our business?? it'd be nice if we knew. but we dont. so HA! (<--i dunno)

i need to start:
1. archery - the club and the participating and the tournaments that id have to get to outside of Kingston
2. exercise - been very lazy. not in shape so wont perform as well in archery
3. bartending course - want to learn what the hell it is that i drink
4. redesigning my page - need to learn html codes so can make page pretty for myself to look at
5. sleeping more - and in order to do that, i need to start hw a lil earlier

Thursday, October 23, 2003

note the time: 4:30AM
these are the fun times that we'll remember when we're old, cranky and senile. "why, when I was young lass, i never needed any sleep! you young-uns now-a-days require so much sleep. pfft..8hrs. how drole" (hmm went from irish to french..interesting. im sure "young-uns" was first established from some country as well)

had a BIG mugful of Timmy's french vanilla. on an empty stomache. oo works well. the rest of me is tired but not my eyes!!! hahaha. my brain is slowing down tho. drat..will need that in about 3.5 hours. why so soon you ask?? CUZ I HAVE AN 8.30 MIDTERM!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHA! (<-- that would be an INSANE, MANIC kinda laugh if you had any doubts). but who cares cuz its only 15% of my grade...so just like another project i screw up. eh, whatcha gonna do (TELL ME!! TELL ME.)?

posting when youre half awake, pumped full o'caffine and slightly psychotic, is FUN! i should do for my next two midterms. well, in that case, STAY TUNED

back to studyn'
time: 4:44 AM

Tuesday, October 21, 2003


You're known as an elf who's not afraid to go to battle - you always have your bow beautifully polished and ready for action! Although you're the bravest elf out there, you tend to neglect your social life in favour of battle quests, so it might pay to find another hobby or two.

I am a warrior elf

(when i should have been studying. note the time. anyhoo, what kind of elf are YOU? haha ;)

Sunday, October 19, 2003

good friends + hard liquor, what more do you need? Mike's bday party was a blast, he should really lay off on anything chili associated...poor mike.
Oh, and they cleaned up the house for the party!! It looked good, nicely done guys ::thumbs up:: They should have parties more often ;)

I have decided that i will invest in a bottle of Baileys..oh so good. that or we'll get each other a bottle for Xmas:
"ok so what do you want for Xmas?" "baileys", "baileys, you?", "baileys". alright, done. simple :D

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (haha) Have finished watching 24, season 1. that was good. dagnabit, now i really want to start on the second season. But it'll have to be after midterms - haha finished watching the last 3 episodes when i should have been studying. hmmm a whole month b4 finals, i think i'll start in nov. i wonder if aaron is done with it yet?

coming up this week:
tues: econ quiz, 241 exam
thurs: comm200 exam
fri: pysc exam
sun: meeting for comm project

chapters to read: minimum 20

i am so dead. must study!!!

*on the plus side, i now have 14.2 Gigs of HD space - the first time in over a year and a half. i hope i didn't kill my burner by burning 14 discs at once. ah well, still under warrenty so s'all good :)

Monday, October 13, 2003

You're like a Unicorn!

?? Which Mythical Creature Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla

just like ive always imagined :D
so i got the extremes: completely harmless and the worst.

LOL this is funny. tho i knew i had violent tendencies, i nvr thought it'd amount to this
You are Wrath/Anger!
Wow... who got you so mad huh ?? You have serious
anger issues!! with a rage that seems somewhat
deadly, and a temper that is easily raised, you
are by far the scariest sin. You tend to let
the little things get to you, and are stressed
fairly easily - and woe be it to any of your
enemies. On the positive side, you're
independent, powerful and a definite leader, if
you could just control your moods!
Congratulations on being the toughest!! ...and the
most independent of all the 7 deadly sins!

?? Which Of The Seven Deadly Sins Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla

then, took it again and got this too...well this got me thinking...
You are Envy!
Wow... what a dreamer. Always wanting what you
can't have, and always dreaming of having more
then you do. It's not the worst sin, and we're
all guilty of it - but you take it to the
extreme! You are prone to depression, often
from things you can't obtain. Be a bit more
positive, you have a lot that others want too -
so don't sit there being all green! On the
positive side, you tend to be a smart person -
and can often achieve the goals you set
Congratulations on being the overall harmless, and
pretty normal one of the 7 deadly sins :)

?? Which Of The Seven Deadly Sins Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla

Sunday, October 12, 2003

Wheee shopping!!

The acquiring of random, materialistic things is FANTASTIC. I've forgotten how much i've missed it: walking (semi) aimlessly around the mall that is. What a great way to waste a couple of hours :D

yummmy, food so good. I like fish and i got fish - lots of fish. Also went food shopping-stuff to bring back to ktown.

i should do some HW. i should read some psyc, re-write some notes, and study for math (cuz damn midterm is this coming wed!)!! Blah. can you say: "yes, youre screwed. here's a shovel, start digging"

Monday, October 6, 2003

Food shopping during the night is so much fun. and thats when you run into the most people, or just queen's people. A&P sure knew what they were doing when they decided to go with the whole 24 hr thing. genius. shopping is fun, but food shopping is better...

French Vanilla
mmmmm soo good. my reasoning: i buy a thing of it practically everyday, so i bought a...jar? carton? plastic-tube-resealable-dealy of Nescafe. although it doesnt have the same initial sweetness as timmy's but the taste kinda grows on you and you dont feel like you have to brush your teeth afterwards. i actually like it..or mebbe i'll get timmys once in awhile now to satisfy my sweet tooth (though i have many, so that "once in awhile" thing will prolly end up as a frequent thing)

O i just realized i never typed up my homecoming experience. oh thatll take some time to summarize. perhaps tmr..oo need time
CRAP so much stuff to do
for tmr, wed, thurs and then im FREE!!! until wed and then i have midterm for Econ255 - the math for economists. the hell? i dont even know what ive learned in the last 4 weeks.

so. screwed.
School would rock if only it didn't have those stupid assignments/quizzes/midterms-that-come-too-soon/exams.

what a pain. i actually dont even mind the classes, a somewhat good way of meeting people you'll prolly never sit beside again, also, a time to catch up on some sleep - missed due to watching too much "tv" ie illegally d/l movies and such.

so much crap to do this week. and doing stuff for next week as well since i figure: if im going home that means im not going to do any work and that means i better finish what i can now so i can continue with the plan of not doing any work. ah logic.

ok, go check this out
it is so cute! well i mean in real life. the new dasani bottle is about half the size of the original one and it is EXACTLY the same size as this one (on the screen). i have no idea why i find it so amusing but it so is. although it is completely useless for every day use, it serves its purpose for those one or two classes that you want to keep yourself awake for - and then of course theres French Vanilla over at timmys if you REALLY want to stay awake. mmmmmmmmmmm soo good.