Monday, October 6, 2003

Food shopping during the night is so much fun. and thats when you run into the most people, or just queen's people. A&P sure knew what they were doing when they decided to go with the whole 24 hr thing. genius. shopping is fun, but food shopping is better...

French Vanilla
mmmmm soo good. my reasoning: i buy a thing of it practically everyday, so i bought a...jar? carton? plastic-tube-resealable-dealy of Nescafe. although it doesnt have the same initial sweetness as timmy's but the taste kinda grows on you and you dont feel like you have to brush your teeth afterwards. i actually like it..or mebbe i'll get timmys once in awhile now to satisfy my sweet tooth (though i have many, so that "once in awhile" thing will prolly end up as a frequent thing)

O i just realized i never typed up my homecoming experience. oh thatll take some time to summarize. perhaps tmr..oo need time
CRAP so much stuff to do
for tmr, wed, thurs and then im FREE!!! until wed and then i have midterm for Econ255 - the math for economists. the hell? i dont even know what ive learned in the last 4 weeks.

so. screwed.

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