Monday, October 6, 2003

School would rock if only it didn't have those stupid assignments/quizzes/midterms-that-come-too-soon/exams.

what a pain. i actually dont even mind the classes, a somewhat good way of meeting people you'll prolly never sit beside again, also, a time to catch up on some sleep - missed due to watching too much "tv" ie illegally d/l movies and such.

so much crap to do this week. and doing stuff for next week as well since i figure: if im going home that means im not going to do any work and that means i better finish what i can now so i can continue with the plan of not doing any work. ah logic.

ok, go check this out
it is so cute! well i mean in real life. the new dasani bottle is about half the size of the original one and it is EXACTLY the same size as this one (on the screen). i have no idea why i find it so amusing but it so is. although it is completely useless for every day use, it serves its purpose for those one or two classes that you want to keep yourself awake for - and then of course theres French Vanilla over at timmys if you REALLY want to stay awake. mmmmmmmmmmm soo good.

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