Thursday, March 31, 2005

i must commend the music quality of the new shows that have premiered this year. while the WB produces pretty craptastic shows - with the exception of gilmore girls of course - but they have excellent soundtracks. problem is, the songs are pretty hard to find unless some fanatic of the show decides to compile a complete soundtrack.

since im waaay too lazy to limewire all those songs individually, i appreciate those hardcore and dedicated enough to do that for me :D

new show that im watching now and have a pretty good soundtrack is Grey's Anatomy. the first episode that aired wasnt...completely disappointing. there were some funny lines but the main character is boring enough to turn me off the show. potentially.

"katie brice is a pain in the ass. if i hadn't taken the hippocratic oath, i'd Kevorkain her with my bare hands."


Metisse - Boom boom ba
The Killers - Somebody told me
Dan Bedingfield - Gotta get thru this
Bif Naked - I love myself today

as featured on Grey's Anatomy:

The Ditty Bops - Walk
But all songs are pretty catchy :)

Jem - They

Rilo Kiley - Portions for foxes

The Butterfly Boucher - Life is short

the good thing about indie bands, you can always find their music online.

and of course, the random picture of the day:
"My love for iMac"


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