Wednesday, January 21, 2004

so sleeping IS good for only if i could get some REM sleep thatll be fantastic
go read

hahaha so funny:

reporter: Did you expect an elf to turn into a sex symbol?

Orlando: "No I didn't. You don't You know what it is? I think Legolas is a really safe place for a young girl of 13 or 14 to pin their hopes on. He's kind of pretty asexual as an elf, you know what I mean? He's a warrior type and kinda handsome but he's not sexually threatening or trying it on. He's just this blond dude who's doing his thing [Liv laughs throughout]. S**t gets taken care of when he's around and he's got nice hair. They can brush it and stuff. What can I tell you? I'm a male equivalent of a Barbie doll!"

from here if you wanna read the entire thing :D

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