Back! back from a three year hiatus! 3 years just doesnt seem to be that long a time when youre neglecting something, ie, this blog.
ive finally switched over to the new format (now signing into gmail instead of my old hotmail account! tres exciting; seems like gmail/google has slowly but surely taken over everything: i really need to start paying attn to these things). so i wont lie, there was a moment of panic when i thought that i had lost this blogger account and some nogoodnick had taken my name. but luckily, blogger didnt delete me and the transition into The New Format was unbelievably easy - so kudos to them, im impressed.
b/c im a loser who never really paid attn to computer science class in highschool, i have no idea how to adapt my old template and have thus lost it forever. still adjusting to this new layout: it sucks; it's too generic; im tolerating the colour scheme (picked from the scant amount of colours that was offered), but the open format of the page is freaking me out! i need my boxes! the dotted lines arent enough to hold my sanity in. i may have to change the template soon and pick something more structured.
well, c'est tout for now...until something more exciting happens in my life, but at least it wont be 3 years before another post now that im back.
YES! Wnd is back with a vengeance. Or perhaps just a greedy rodent.
I'm on a blog mania right now, mostly for school, partly for poops and giggles.
blog mania? like youre now going around to all previously unchecked blogs for updates? or you, yourself, are furiously blogging your brains out cuz somebody has wronged you and youre now scheming their demise on a public forum?
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