Wednesday, February 4, 2004

Taken off sistah's site (from awhile ago)

1. Copy this whole list into your journal.
2. Bold the things that you have in common with me.
3. Whatever you don't bold, replace with things about you.

01. I try to keep my desk as clear of stuff as possible
02. I loved (and still do love) The Magic School Bus. So informative.
03. I love to drink water (good for those all-niters)
04. Forks are fun for poking people.
05. I like blogging, especially in one conscious stream of thought with as little punctuation as possible
06. I'm obsessed with grammar even though mine is less than perfect. Spelling too.
07. I hate when people type in all caps online.
08. I refuse to take medicine when I'm sick.
09. The exclamation mark is my favourite punctuation!
10. I like making up words.
11. I love accents...English and Irish ;)
12. I suck at math (Stats )
13. I wear my watch on my "wrong" wrist, i.e. right. wrong because im right-handed.
14. I love sitting and watching people
15. I would like to be ambidextrous.
16. Shopping IS a sport.
17. I hate facial hair on guys. Just... ew. *stubble is okay*
18. I wish I were taller.
19. I love the smell of cologne on guys and not on the slip of paper those sales people hand out.
20. I love interesting socks
21. SCRUBS is THE best show to watch and quote from.
22. I miss kindergarten
23. I love kids so long as theyre not mine
24. Sugar should be banned from my diet, but that would be catastrophic.
25. I like to know who's online on msn. I always check new names that pop up.
26. I also read everyone's away messages.
27. I love butchering the English language and even more amused by those who understand what im saying
28. I'm a weird person. (and damn proud of it)
29. I'm anal-retentive about checking my email, even though nobody emails me and i only get junkmail
30. I love to go downtown because it's exciting and people watching is MUCH more interesting there
31. You should NEVER eat what i cook...unless you know its from a recipe
32. I love bum pants
33. I procrastinate. A LOT.
34. I love eyes (green eyes are especially special)
35. I like sleep too much.
36. I NEED to have a lot of pillows on my bed.
37. Skiing is one of my .. better.. sports.
38. I'm a night owl.
39. I like artists who write/compose their own music and can actually sing well LIVE (*cough*actual talent*cough*)
40. I dance badly
41. I really enjoy thoughtful gifts, even if they cost nothing. Still, I'll like almost anything just because the person took the time to pick it out.
42. The British have such fabulous vocabulary: bloke, snog, wanker, ..etc
43. I'm a bad bad person who downloads music rather than buying CDs
44. I love my sister (even though she's a pain.. most of the time)
45. I enjoy just being by myself sometimes
46. Acting like an idiot entertains me.
47. I love swings and i miss the playground.
48. Seagulls flying overhead frighten me
49. I love those moving platform things at the airport.
50. I almost never wear make-up.
51. I wouldn't be able to survive without my lipgloss/chapstick though. mmm addictive
52. I have a pretty decent memory
53. Time spent crying is time wasted plotting.
54. I like displaying a poker face.
55. I'm really easy to get along with
56. I don't like approaching people in large groups
57. I love breakfast food but almost never have it at the right time of day
58. I could care less about my hair "styles"
59. I like getting emails from my friends (junk mail included), it makes me feel special.
60. I like to dye my hair but then cant wait for it to grow out. im weird like that
61. I usually cant remember where i put things i want to keep "safe"
62. I don't have a G liscence yet..still..
63. I embarrass myself often but dont get easily embarrassed, surprisingly
64. I always smile with my teeth when somebody takes a picture
65. I try my best to help protect the environment.
66. I get distracted VERY easily
67. I need to lose weight
68. I think I look better with my glasses off (with contacts)
69. I have no idea what I want to do with my life
70. I love Winnie the Pooh
71. I forgive easily. But, the grudges are always echoing in the back of my mind.
72. There are only a handful of friends I confide in.
73. I'm always online but I'm always on 'Away'
74. I own a lot of black clothing.
75. I feel inadequate a lot of the time, like I don't really belong.
76. I love tops that have long, belled sleeves.
77. I love reading other people's blog/live journal/website.
78. I'm agnostic.
79. Kids nowadays have better toys!
80. I'm disappointed that i never continued with any of the musical intruments i started with: clarinet, piano.
81. I love my country
82. Im always amazed by those who take neat, legible notes during lectures. Frankly, you cant hope to read mine.
83. I have a very broad musical taste
84. Go gay pride.
85. Narrow minded people make me want to get a gun. wait, bow and arrows. ahhh ;)
86. I'm incapable of having just one favourite movie
87. Someday I want to travel the world.
88. Someday I WILL go on a road trip with my friends.
89. I'm extra-strength crazy and you have all been warned.
90. I like M.C. Escher's drawings and Claude Monet's paintings.
91. I can't stand the sound of fingernails scraping a chalkboard
92. I love taking candid photos. posed pix are ok too at times.
93. I hit the snooze button at least once before waking up
94. I like scarves and mittens
95. I'm ticklish as hell.
96. I'm a lazy ass. I really am.
97. Playing in the snow is something i miss doing, which is odd cuz we get SO much of it here in Ktown
98. Im looking forward to paying back the gov't at the end of my academic career. yea. *i AM being sarcastic here*
99. I have something else I should be doing right now
100. I really suck at making easy decisions - like, what to eat. i guess we ARE sisters. thats a lot of stuff bolded ;D

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