Friday, December 12, 2003

Am COMPLETLEY freaked outta my mind. Econ Math exam tmr @ 9am, worth? 60%.
Remeber those good old days in high school when youd freak over exams (namely Physics, all math courses) that were worth 35%-40%? ahh those were the days.
To show you how much my perception on marks have changed: i couldnt care LESS about my exam that was worth 35%....granted it was "intro to business", and that it was easy, and that the midterm was stupid (and easy) i just didnt care. prolly shouldve just a bit more.
Eh, like it wouldve made a difference anyways cuz despite the fact that i was mad scribbling the ENTIRE time during my 2 hr exam..i still didnt manage to finish the damn thing. so close. SO close! frickn prof..the hell. another half hour wouldve made SOOO MANY people happy. and it was just OUR CLASS in the examining rooms too!! blah. I'd be more pissed off if he wasnt such a nice prof ~ as in, he listen to this [one] whiny girl in our class prattle on [and on..and on..and on..] on some random tangent for a good 10-15 min before he'd say "ya, we should really be moving on now". well duh, shoulda cut her off before she even started. s'all over now.

onwards to math. and then it'll be all over (by noon tmr) too [in every sense of the word]


for once in all the time that ive been room is slightly ...less than clean. that is, i have looseleaf paper EVERYWHERE and various textbooks lying in various corners of my room, coupled with newspapers and magazines, this looks like the beginning of a fantastic mess :D

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