Wednesday, May 7, 2003

havn't posted since I started work!!
should be sleeping but...well what are ya gonna do? that's what i thought

ah work. window washing...such a brainless job you say? nay says the poor sod who got fired today. stupid girl, how hard is it to wash a freakin window!?! well, too hard made apparent by her..muwhahahha (I am not evil)

what's up:
-my hands are scratched and i dont know how, nor do they hurt...
-still need to hire people but that's ok cuz resume's started rolling in 15 min after i posted on HRDC
-need to get more clients!
-need to get organized
-decided after 4 days of production that I HATE RAIN. cuz it's putting me behind schedule!
-stupid rain
-sad that my friend is only working for me part time (Roberta! ahem)

s'all for now. type more prolly this weekend........hmm...yummy

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