Sunday, April 27, 2003

well, least not my clothes are gonna be wrinkly. ah well, such is the life of a procrastinator

Back in SARSborough - eh, there's not as much paranoia as I thought there'd be, but I suppose people must carry on with their everyday lives. I wish I was still at Queen's; a more laid back atmosphere and an I-care-not attitude...ah well, until Sept comes (frosh week is gonna be a blast-no school for a whole week and bumming around, that's key)

Hmm...start work in 3 days. VERY scary, tho im sure i'll get into the hang of things so then it wont be as bad. I hired two of my friends so I think that's gonna be the crew for the summer. should be interesting, if not a completely fun- filled summer. Hectic now, very hectic.

*on a side note: gotta learn how to set up that "comments" link- but then, do I necessarily WANT to read your two cents? hehe j/k.
Oh speaking of 'two-cents':
"If someone gives you a penny for your thoughts, and you put your two cents in, where does the other penny go? Do you get change?"

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